Chapter 56: Recoded

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Momo: Hello everyone.

EmperorJirachi, Tsuyu, and Ochako all tensely stared her down.

Momo: What? Bats her eyes at EmperorJirachi. Is something wrong, my love?

Ochako: What are you doing here?!

Momo: Oh, relax. I won't hurt any of you... for now. I just wanted to see my beloved senpai. Hehehe...

EmperorJirachi: Blushes a deep red at that. He looks away from her and toward the audience. S-sorry about her, everyone. Yaomomo is, well, uh... weird. Anyways, I hope you're all excited for this chapter!

Tsuyu: I know I am. Kero! Especially after that jerkish cliffhanger.

EmperorJirachi: Good point. In that case, I suppose we shouldn't delay things any further. Go ahead readers. I, uh, I'll try and figure out what Creati's up to. Feels Momo pull him into a hug while Ochako and Tsuyu glare at her. U-uhm... Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Ben 10. All characters and settings in this story, except for any OCs, are not mine. Enjoy!

Chapter 56: Recoded


"Hello all!" Penny chirped happily, completely unaware of the shock and bewilderment of those around her.

A large part of the group's bewilderment came from seeing the synthetic human alive again. There was also the fact that Penny's appearance had changed a bit. Her pale skin no longer had any trace of decay. In fact, it almost seemed to shine with good health. Her orange hair now flowed freely down to her mid-back in natural waves. Emerald eyes which had once been dulled now sparkled with a light that was new and full of life.

No one knew what to say. Ruby and Jaune stared dumbstruck at their resurrected friend. Nora was barely able to contain her joy at the sight of a fallen friend returning to them. Yang looked a bit confused, if not intimidated, by the prospect of witnessing someone be brought back to life. Ren seemed more perplexed than anything else, and Blake was cautiously eyeing the organic robot.

Cardin and Velvet, despite their fatigued and weary state, were elated at the sight of Penny being awake. Relief and joy washed over the pair of half-aliens. It was a wonderful feeling to know that they could help bring her back.

It was also a major relief knowing that everything hadn't been in vain. Trusting a dream encounter with Ozpin, breaking into a military base and becoming fugitives, and even allowing their public images to be dragged through the mud by Jade Jonah and anyone else who joined her. All of it hadn't been for naught. And that thought brought great comfort to the mated couple.

Penny took note of her friends' odd behavior and raised a brow. Everyone around her was giving such peculiar looks and acting as though something unbelievable was happening. It left the ginger girl feeling a bit concerned and confused at the same time.

Wanting to try and help, Penny slid off of the RM-11's roof and tried to approach everyone else. The robotic girl's legs quickly gave way as Penny fell against the driver's-side door in a struggle to steady herself.

"W-woah! Wh-what's wrong wi-with m-me?" Penny stuttered out as she tried in another futile attempt to stand on her own. "I-I... I can tell I've just rebooted, but normally that do-doesn't compromise m-my bal-ance like this."

"Penny..." Ruby stepped forth to help her struggling friend. The red/black haired teen's lower lip trembled as she fought back tears and rested a trembling hand on her shoulder. "You're alive."

"Uhm... yes. Should I not be?" Penny asked in unease. The actions of everyone around her was really starting to unnerve the ginger robot. Especially with how shaken that last comment from Ruby sounded.

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