Agree to disagree

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"Please calm down" Zack begged me as I glared them all down feeling pure rage build inside me. "I don't think I should since I only gave my life away to save your fucking asses!". "HEY!We came to save you and if we didn't you would have been raped and murdered by now" Matt yelled over me. "Yeah well I kinda feel like I am being raped right now with how I can't control anything anymore!" I snapped back. I stood for a moment feeling tears run down my face. Everyone stayed silent looking at me apologetically. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand when I saw blood. "Oh god!" I cried out as I now could see I cried blood and no longer tears. I really was dead. I couldn't cope with the idea suddenly. I uncontrollably began to cry even harder and felt like I just wanted to scream. "Shit!" Brian mumbled as he tried to find something I could use tissue wise. "Here.." Jimmy called passing a box of tissues to Zack who then passed them to me cautiously and backed away in the same manor. "Lucy, I think we need to take a walk and have a chat" Matt suggested. "Matt what about.." Val piped in panic but he cut her off. "It's ok. I think she deserves to know. No point in letting her suffer feeling like this" He put a hand on Zack's shoulder as he watched me worried. He looked like he was scared of my reaction to what ever was going on.

I followed Matt to the front of the house where no party was going on. It was silent except for the distant party noises and once we reach the front gate he opened it allowing us both to go for a walk alone away from prying ears. "Do you regret allowing Zack to turn you?" I shook my head no. "I may resent him a bit but I love him, I care about you guys and I trust you. I know you all had your reasons for this I just wish I knew why I feel like I shouldn't be like this". We was now off the street and walking towards the beach. I felt my hair blow in the wind but didn't feel a chill like I would normally do. "Zack isn't quiet exactly what you think he is, he's not like the rest of us" "Ok but how so?". Matt exhaled like he was trying to find the words to say. "When I turned him he was already chosen. A certain ritual was carried out so he would not only be Vampire but have a demonic side" I stopped walking and stared at the floor. "Is he a demon? Has he turned me into a demon?" I worried out loud. "No, I can promise you he has turned you into a Vampire. You just may have extra abilities and could be stronger than the average" I made a "o" shape with my mouth not actually saying the word out loud. I felt confused still. I needed to know what that meant for me and why those "elder" people needed to check me out for themselves. "Zack doesn't feed as much as the rest of us, that trait seems to have been passed on to you. From what I remember Zack's first feed was two whole days after being turned. That means by tomorrow morning you will feel the hunger. You may become out of control so I am going to suggest you eat tonight" I continued to walk and Matt walked beside me. We circled the shops during this talk so far and was already heading back.

"Why did they need to see me?". "Because of what Zack is. The plan was that you would stay with your original decision to stay human for as long as possible. Zack is not aloud to turn anyone without special permission. If you ever did want turning we would need to prepare you for the change. Lucy I am not going to lie to you, because it was so sudden and you are not prepared this is going to be hard on you. You will lose control, you will get angry and you could possibly feel such heartache and pain that you just want to end it all. Plus there is the fact we don't know what talent you have yet". "Talent?"..."Oh it's like a gift. We all can here each others thoughts and of course humans thoughts too. I have the gift of being able to move objects, Jimmy has the gift of glamour, Johnny hasn't discovered his yet and Zack, well he has many gifts". We reached the gate again and we stood for a moment. "What are his gifts?" Matt opened the gate letting me head in first then followed. "He can do a few things, Move objects, glamour even though that never worked on you, elemental bending, controlling someone almost like he has possessed them among others. The one you have to watch out for is him slowing down time" I almost got excited when I heard that last one. "I think I have slowed down time, with the gun everything went slow motion" Matt stopped and looked at me impressed. "And he was us all thinking you just had incredible speed for a newbie. Looks like you found your talent" I smiled approving of myself and Matt high fived me before we headed back inside.

"Go on up to bed. Zack is waiting for you up there" I nodded and left Matt to go up the stairs towards my old room. Once outside I could hear Zack moving around inside. I opened the door and stepped in closing the door not once noticing someone else was in the room. "Hey, Lucy...Jack" He introduced us both. I looked at the human as he sat calmly in a chair as if he had been waiting for me. "Lucy Jack here is a regular donater. It's how we prevent having to force a feed when we have volunteers. He's your meal" I didn't say a word as I just stood in shock. "Your kidding right?". "No Lucy I'm not. You have to eat otherwise you could get out of control. I never lasted past two days and neither will you. You may not feel hungry but your getting snappy which is a sign". I turned on my heel and headed for the bathroom locking myself in. "Lucy come on!" I ignored him. I didn't want to drink from someone at all. Hand me a glass fine but not from a live person. "Fine have it your way!" He snapped hitting the door in anger at me. I heard a thud hit the floor then within moments blood began to run under the door. "Oh my god! Zack what did you..." I began as I opened the door but stopped when I saw Jack on the floor bleeding out. I'm sure he never volunteered for that.

"You killed him". "Now drink from him! He doesn't need it anymore so don't fucking waste it!" He snapped grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the almost lifeless body. "I don't want to" I begged trying to pull from his grip. I suddenly got this urge of strength and for the first time ever threw Zack off me and slammed him against the wall pinning him there. His eyes turned black and a smirk came across his face. "That's my girl" I let go after that dark statement left his lips. The tone he used was evil. He stepped forward off the wall and each sow step he took towards me with those black eyes and his evil smirk upon me I couldn't help but step back. "I won't let you hurt me anymore Zack. I can protect myself from you now" I stammered now my back against a wall at the other side of the room from where we originally started. "Is that so" His arms blocked me in and his face inches from mine. I could feel the tension between us and I couldn't bare it. "You may be a vampire now but I now need to keep you under control more than ever. That scared Vampire you saw in that room will never be shown to you ever again. I know that they would have ripped you apart given the chance and you would have no longer existed...but I would do much worse" I gulped as I felt myself withdraw into myself. I knew he was telling the truth. "You now being a vampire only means I have to be more forceful and vicious to keep you under control. They would hurt you till you faded into blackness. I can hurt you for a lifetime so do as I fucking say so you don't lose control and fucking eat!".

I looked down at the now dead body and shook my head no. Zack growled at me almost making me want to whimper. I never felt fear like this before. It must have had something to do with the fact he turned me so had some kind of dominance over me. "Fucking eat!" He snapped more aggressively. I looked at him pleading with my eyes. Not only was he wanting me to eat another person but he also was expecting me to do it off the floor like a dog. "Oh I'm sorry let me move him to the bed and see if that fits you right" Zack sarcastically added to my thoughts. I watched silently as he grabbed the body and dumped it onto my bed. I yelped out as he paced to me and grabbed my wrist pulling me down to bed level, him beside me. "It's so easy. All you have to do is bite down, the fangs will come out on their own. Then all you have to do is drink" He explained handing me a wrist sounding a bit more calm and understanding suddenly. I took the wrist wishing I didn't have to but he was stubborn and wouldn't stop till I would do it. I felt my eyes water up with bloody tears and hesitantly bit down into the wrist. Instantly I felt something in my mouth change as blood began to flow into my mouth. It didn't taste too bad but their wasn't much left as within a minute he ran dry. The majority of it was on the floor.

I let go and sat back on my ass wiping my mouth wishing he didn't make me do that. I didn't feel any different. "Of course you wouldn't. Dead blood does nothing for us. I just wanted to show you how serious I am. You will have to feed from me just to put you on. Then after that you will feed from a living person" I nodded to agree learning my lesson and feeling a little humiliated. I stood up as Zack took my hand to help me. Stood in front of each other he began to roll up his shirt sleeves, I kept my eyes down till he lifted my chin with his thumb. "I love you" He lovingly told me placing a gentle kiss to my lips. He left go and placed his wrist to my lips and I bit down hearing a slight moan from Zack and as blood flowed began to drink. I could taste how many people he had fed from the past few days. I was taking some of his energy and could feel myself becoming strong again. My eyes were closed but I opened them slightly and had to pull away when I caught my reflection in the mirror. My eyes had turned black just like Zack's does and all I could think "Your exactly like him".

Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now