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I felt the pain throughout my body slowly fade away. I was gaining consciousness slowly as my own thoughts started to ring through my head. I felt cold, why did I feel cold? I hadn't felt temperature since I was turned. Why now? "Your awake" A voice shocked my eyes open to be blinded by a bright light. I covered my eyes as the light consumed me. "Take your time, the light won't harm you" The voice was angelic, a male. I took my time as he told me slowly opening my eyes giving them time to adjust. My eyes looked to the right following where the voice came from to see a man with his back to me. I raised off the white floor slowly watching him as he looked out into nothing. "Your grace is truly soothing" His body shifted as he turned to face me. His blonde hair had slight length, his blue eyes bright, his smile soft and relaxing allowing all the fear I felt before leave my body. His presence was something that felt like a drug I couldn't get enough of. I felt soothed, calm, energised all at the same time. His grey coat fastened and light blue jeans he looked like a normal person to me but he felt...different. "This wasn't what we wanted for you Lucy. We wanted something much greater than this." I didn't move as he stepped closer to me, offering his hand to help me to my feet. I accepted feeling his soft gentle touch, I felt saddened when he released my hand when I was fully stood. Looking down on me smiling I couldn't figure out what was happening or where I was. "I brought you here as it was the only way we could talk. Your body is back with him. Your soul here for now but I don't know how much longer we can hold you here. It's only a matter of time until your souls ripped back into your body" The man turned looking out again into the bright light around us. He stood smiling outwards, peaceful. "Who are you?" I asked, slight worry in my voice. "I am Micheal. I am an angel Lucy" I eyed him up and down for a moment. Surely I was dreaming this. "Two hundred years ago an angel like myself was cast out of heaven. During his time on the human realm he met a women named Athena" My eyes moved up to Micheal knowing I had a ancestor by that name. "They had a child together, half human half angel. That child held no grace and was purely only of human will. That child grew up and bore more children and so on and so forth till you was born". "Your saying I am descended from an angel? This has to be a dream" I mumbled the ,last part earning a light hearted laugh from Micheal. 

"This is not a dream Lucy. This is very real. We are currently in a realm between humanity and heaven. The only safe place for us to meet now." Micheal gave a saddened look out into the light. "You are the only one of your kind Lucy. You are the only one who can save what balance is left. With good there is also evil but if you only have one or the other you have demons or angels. There is no place for humanity in a world like that. This is why you are in the exact form you need to be to stop him, to stop the Shepherd of fire" Micheal turned back to face me his hands casually by his sides. I didn't know what to say, what would anyone say? I was just a stripper working off tips to try and feed myself before all this. I had a bad life fighting for survival against my abusive parents. I was just a normal girl living a hard life. This whole thing had been a whirlwind from the start. Zack's out of control anger, his abuse, his unconditional love...everything was a blur it happened so fast. "Your balanced equally. The grace within you with it's angelic intent...the darkness consuming you that eats away at your humanity. There has never been a being like you before, you are the first. You are the only one who can stop him. We're running out of time" Micheal looked disheartened at me. The light around us began to dim then go brighter as everything felt like it was rippling around us. "I have to show you something" Micheal gently placed his hand on my head. I looked back up at him not feeling threatened at all. He gave a gentle saddened smile to me. "We shall be fighting with you the whole time. You will know what to do" everything became bright blinding me from seeing Micheal. My eyes hurt as I tried to cover them then my body fell back and began ti fall through nothing.

Visions came rushing to me of Zack stood with everything burning around him, that vision rushed into the distance and I saw nothing but fire as far as the eye could see. It became bright with the flames then dimmed out to show a dark mass crashing down into the ground causing a huge rumble that shot fear into me. Light shined down in a beam in the distance until fire blazed up and smoke consumed the light. I got the feeling of chaos from the imagery I was being shown. Screams and cries of pain and dread got louder and louder around me till every stopped. Everything stopped as Zack stood before me. His eyes saddened I wanted to reach out to him as his hand came out to reach for me. "I'm so sorry" His voice echoed in a broken tone as he burnt in flames, a light shone onto him extinguishing the flames as he fell to ash and then everything spun and my eyes snapped open. I breathed heavy, panting for to try and gain some air. I looked around unable to get up. I was laid in the basement on the slab. My hands and feet strapped down but I could move my head to look around. I stopped to see Zack only just knelt in the shadows watching me. His body raised as he stood tall and stepped towards me. I watched him cautiously as those black eyes kept a hold on my blue ones. "You've been gone a long time. I was starting to think Heaven had decided to take you early" I kept silent as I watched him pace round me to my other side. His hand rested on my forehead like Zack would have done in a loving way but there was nothing loving about it. "We could do great things together Lucy, we could rule this realm together" I shook my head to remove his hand from me. His lips twitched into a slanted smirk as he continued to look down on me. "I won't do anything with you, you son of a bitch!" Zack backed off keeping the same smirk as he moved towards something behind my head. I tried to look but I couldn't twist enough to see. Moments later Zack returned with the true bible in hand holding it up to show me. "This says otherwise. This says you take down heaven and make the kingdom come tumbling down".

Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now