A balance that will be broken

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The bright light flung down to the earth's surface landing with a loud crash. The floor below his feet crumbled down in a sphere motion. Standing up straight he took in the human realm around him. The stench of evil filling the air he knew that chaos will have already erupted and was spreading fast. He took a step out of the crater he had formed when falling to the earth. Taking slow steps forward his eyes moved around taking in every detail to make sure he was alone. He looked up to see the final of the fallen angels dropping to the earth. The sky becoming dimmer as the final few reached it's surface. This was the army, the army to destroy them all. Cast out of Heaven for not wanting to carry out God's will. The Arch angels we're not to be a part of this. They we're against what the rest of them believed to be right. Always following orders, they envied the human race for having free will to pick and choose their own paths. They was sickened by the creatures from hell having the run of the human realm yet the angels and other heavenly creatures we're forced to stay within god's garden, heaven. The now fallen angels wanted this realm, they wanted it for themselves. The war was just their easy way of taking what they believed to be theirs. They had to take it quick, they had to take it before the other army from heaven came to this realm and rekindled the balance. 

Lucy POV

"It's not much further" Kyle rushed with us all following him close behind. It had been a few hours but we made it to the location that I didn't even question to ask about. I was more panicked about the things going on around us and not wanting to get caught up in any crossfire. We rushed out the tree's coming to a field that adjoined many more. It was farmland that stretched for miles. "Ok we're here!" Kyle looked around before picking a spot and rushing to it. He settled his bag on the floor and took out a few candles and a book. "What exactly are we doing here?" I asked feeling weary of us being out in the open like this. "We got here just in time to stop the sixth gate from fully opening. Once that is opened Lucifer will be set free not long after. If he rises we don't stand a chance. Can you grab some water from that river over there?" I looked back at him holding a canister with a bronze crucifix laid upon it. Grabbing it and taking my leave to no more than 10 metres back I slowly walked keeping an eye out around me. Happy everything was clear I bent down opening the canister and dipping it into the river to collect water. Just as I was about to finish I heard footsteps across from me. I froze, too frightened to look up I stared at the feet just in my view. "I've been looking for you" The voice was angelic but had a sinister tone to it. My eyes slowly shifted up to take in a man who looked to be around my age, dark brown hair, blue eyes, a grey coat and grey jeans. I stood up fully as his eyes stayed on me. I could sense an energy coming from him and somehow I knew what he was. We looked at each other in silence for a moment longer before he slowly raised his hand lifting me into the air with an invisible force. The force gripping me round my throat causing such pain I wanted to scream. Nothing came out my mouth as I felt burning allover my body and I began to kick my legs to fight back. The man smirked at me showing no effort on his side at all. "LUCY!" I heard Matt's voice yell from behind the man. He didn't stop. More rushed foot steps came closer as the man began to speak in Latin. 

My body stayed suspended as he continued to speak. "Kill it!" I heard Kyles voice behind me as I started to feel like I was leaving my body. The man finished speaking but he wasn't done. With a swift movement of his arm everyone who was rushing to us flew to the left and landed in the river. My eyes shifted to see Kyle, Matt, Brian and Johnny all dragging themselves back to their feet. Matt grabbed a dagger from his jean pocket and rushed the angel. Just before he made impact the angel vanished as quick as he came and I dropped to the floor with a thud. "Lucy! Are you ok?" Jimmy rushed to me checking me over as if I could have been hurt. "I'm ok" I maned to answer through the pain in my throat. What the hell was it doing? What was the chants it spoke out? "Get back fuckers!" Kyle raged holding a gun up at Matt and the others. Jimmy backed off from me as a hand gripped my arm yanking me out of the way. "Don't come any fucking closer!" Kyle continued aiming the gun. Jimmy began to laugh watching Kyle as he threatened them. "What you gonna do? Shoot us?" Matt grabbed Jimmy giving him a stern look. "That's not just any gun. That's the hunters silver pelt" Jimmy became wide eyed as he looked back to the gun Kyle was holding. The same gun that made those things drop with sparks flying out the wounds. "So your hunters" Matt stated plainly not as phased as the others by the gun pointed towards him. "What's it to you? Your all just monsters like the rest of them!" Somehow Kyle knew they we're not human. It worried me knowing that he could possibly shoot any moment. 

"You know we're on your side. We don't want either side to win. We have to keep the balance" Matt sternly told Kyle. Kyle's grip tightened on my arm as he pushed me further behind him. "I don't trust you. Why should I believe a bunch of Vampires? Your inhuman! You should go back to hell where you came from!" I looked at Kyle shocked. He knew exactly what I was so why not speak to me this way. "Kyle you don't feel that way about me do you?" Kyle's eyes shifted to me. He didn't hold that same hate in his eyes towards me like he did the others. "No! Of course not! You was turned Lucy. You was born with grace and had your humanity stripped from you. Your not evil like them!" I frowned looking back at the guys as they watched Kyle carefully. "I trust them" I whispered but everyone heard me. Matt's eyes softened as they landed on me. "We would never hurt Lucy or any human being. I speak the truth when I say the balance has to be upheld. My wife...she's human. I love her dearly and would never want anything to happen to her or my child. I refuse for her to become like me and same goes for my child. I speak honestly when I tell you this" Matt held his hand up in submittance trying to step closer towards me. Kyle growled pointing the gun directly at matt making him freeze to the spot. "It's true Kyle! He has a wife who is human! All of them care about the balance being kept. Even Zack before he...changed. They are not our enemy I promise! Please just put the gun away" I said the last part more calm as I placed my hand softly on Kyles arm. His eyes flickered to me for a moment as he was deep in thought. "I won't put the gun away but you can say what you need to say without me pointing it at you. One false move I'll kill you all" The guys nodded to agree as Kyle lowered the gun. His grip released from my arm allowing me to step towards Matt. 

Matt grabbed me immediately pulling me into a tight hug. "I started to think you was dead. We was so worried about you" He pulled back looking down on me with stern eyes. "Where is the blade Lucy. What did you do with it?" I knew exactly what blade he was talking about but I didn't know where it was now. "I dropped it in the bedroom. That was the last time I had it" Matt released me and started scolding the air under his breath. "That mean Zack has it?" Brian asked Matt who nodded yes. "The Archaic blade? The Shepherd of fire has it?" Kyle pushed grabbing everyone's attention. "Yes" Matt said running a hand around his neck stressed. "I thought it was him that opened the gate!" Kyle dashed away back to the stuff he was setting up. I rushed after him as everyone followed handing him the bottle of river water. He didn't say a word as he snatched it from me. We all watched as Kyle and Freya began drawing a pentagram from a book. It wasn't the usual kind that you would normally see on tv it was complicated and had many symbols inside. Once it was set up and Kyle lit the last candle him and Freya stood up and looked at me. "We need your blood. You have the Shepherd of Fire's blood in you so that mixed with the angels blood should make this stronger" I looked down at the symbol confused. I felt like I was about to become some sacrifice. "Your not letting her spill her blood on that!" Matt growled pulling me back. His grip was tight as he held me behind him. He didn't trust this and if I was honest neither did I. "It's to put a stronger lock on the next gate. We have no choice! She's not going to die or anything" Matt watched Kyle searching for answers. He was reading his mind I could tell. After a moment Matt gave in and let go of me. He gave me a nudge towards Kyle who grabbed my hand and faced my palm towards him. "Should I be scared?" I asked with a shaky voice. "No, you shouldn't be scared you won't feel a thing" I watched as he brought down a small blade and said a few words in a strange language. Wincing as he cut my skin making blood pour and drip down the side of my hand I watched in awe as the symbols below our feet began to glow.

"It's working" Kyle smiled speaking with a relieved voice. "But you forgot one thing" All of our eyes snapped up to the voice as it stood watching us lazily, Zack. No, the Shepherd of Fire. I gulped as everyone stood silent cautiously watching him. Kyle held my hand tighter by the wrist over the symbols making sure it could finish the lock. "When ever my mates blood is spilled I am able to sense her no matter the distance. I immediately felt I had to come save her from you savages before it was too late" Zack smirked evilly towards Kyle and Freya not really giving the others a second glance. I couldn't help but feel frightened that Zack had suddenly appeared. His eyes suddenly faded from black back to green. Like his body had become weak he feel forward to his knee's. "Lucy you have to run! Please all of you just go!" Zack's voice was pained, it broke my heart. I felt the need to rush and help him. Matt gripped my arm not letting me. "It might not really be him" Matt urged letting me go. Zack's eyes shifted up to me for a moment then he began to scream gripping his head. "He needs help!" I panicked rushing past everyone towards Zack. "No get away from him!" Brian screamed rushing after me but it was too late. Zack's eyes shot back up just as I got to him placing my hand on his arm. His eyes black as night. He gripped my arm and just as quick as he came we vanished into darkness.

Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now