First encounter with the women

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"Ok Lucy try again" Brian sat on a chair in the mini bar room as he watched me. I'd been trying to use this power for hours but I couldn't use it at will. It all started after I accidentally made an object float to me when I decided I couldn't be bother to get up and grab it. They all witnessed it and I left not only myself but them astonished too. I crouched down gripping the edge of the table to stabilise myself as my eyes settled at table level. Staring at the glass I tried my best to will it to move. I didn't know what else to do. I only thought about how I needed the fork and it came to me when i just thought about it. "I can't fucking do it!" I huffed out standing to my feet feeling stressed. "Hey don't worry. It will all come in time. I just wanted to test and see if you could manage it yet" Brian soothed stepping towards me. I stayed silent looking down. I hated that I was this new vampire and I couldn't control any of my powers when I really wanted to. Every day I was noticing something new happening around or within me. It was all getting too much and hard to control. I already had my first angry rage filled outburst. Yeah, I kind of tossed Matt across the room like he was a bouncy ball with no weight to him just because he told me to keep my knickers on. I didn't mean to do it but he said it was my new vampire rage. I had to wait it out then it would pass. Looking at Zack I didn't think it would be any time soon. I didn't want to wait hundreds of years for these mood swings to pass. "You remember when we first met?" Brian took my mind away from the dreaded thoughts. "Yeah, at the bar. You helped me by offering me a job" I laughed lightly. I also remembered how attractive I thought he was.  Boy how things have changed. "I obviously had seen you from a far before, but after actually meeting you and talking to you I knew you had great strength within you. You had been knocked down all your life and you was still determined to pick yourself back up. Even with all the hell Zack and us put you through" I exhaled out as he finished looking up at him. Brian and me we're good friends. I felt I could always open up to him. He was a true friend. "You are strong Lucy. You can do this. I know your scared, we all are but...We have to do this because if we don't nobody else will. The balance has to be upheld, even if that means you ending Zack's life if he loses control. The only way to do that is taking a hold of your powers, working with your strength physical and mental" Brian pulled my chin up to look at him as I looked away. "Your all of our inspiration to fight for our chance to exist. We all love you Lucy. You are one of us" Before I could say anything Brian pulled me into a tight hug. I leaned into him feeling happy to have someone who cares enough to give me a pep talk once in a while. Being here with Matt, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, Val, Michelle and Zack. I felt like I could take anything on and survive. They showed me and Alex what it was really like to have family. We both never knew that before. 

"Actually Brian?" Brian pulled back to give me my space. "Can I go out today? Like...outside the house? Along?" He paused for a moment looking at me amused. I hadn't been aloud to go out alone in a while. I felt they had no need to worry I would run away now. "Sure" Was all he said as he smiled at me. "Don't be back too late" I nodded as I rushed out the room feeling excitement. I wanted to go and have some space, I wanted to take a walk on the beach for the first time in a while. Heading outside I decided to leave the pooch and Alex behind. Before long I had exited the house and was already on the beach taking a slow pace enjoying the sun. My rare days off from working in Harry's bar normally saw me bringing Alex down to the beach for a relaxing day. It was our freedom from the crap back at home. Our own little getaway. I took a spot and sat down ignoring all the people running around on the beach playing. "I've missed this" I exhaled out laying back closing my eyes under the bright sun. I felt completely calm as my senses relaxed so I could feel just that little bit human again. Nothing could compare to this. Half an hour past as I sat and thought about nothing. "Excuse me miss?" I opened my eyes shielding them with my hand from the sun as I looked up at a shadow. My eyes focused more to see a women smiling gently as she looked down on me. "Hello. Can I help you?" She had a strange accent that I didn't recognise. It sounded almost french but with something else mixed into it. Her long flowing blondish brown hair sat perfectly in place. I sat up to pay attention as she just watched me with her soft kind eyes. "You must be Lucy" I watched as she waited for my reply. A bit taken back because I didn't know this women I hesitantly nodded yes. "I have heard so much about you..." "Do I know you?" I tried to ask before she went further in the politest way possible. She took a seat next to me in the sand not really paying attention to my question. "Your being is of great importance to the Vampire kingdom" I watched her cautiously as she spoke further. "I'm sorry. I don't know what your talking about" I shrugged what she said off. I didn't now this women. What if I got into trouble for talking with her? I tried to get up but she grabbed my wrist gently pulling me back down. I looked back at her in shock. my heart rate picked up but she looked like someone I shouldn't fear. 

"The vampires are using you Lucy. You need to have nothing to do with the Shepherd of fire and the rest of them. Especially Lillith" I felt her grip tighten on me but her face stayed soft contradicting her stern words. "Who are you?" I whimpered out under the pain. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is I have to warn you. They are not being honest with you. The vampires plan to take over everything and destroy this world as we know it. They are using you Lucy. You can't let Zack make that transition into the Shepherd of fire. He will become unstoppable. You have to stop him before it is too late!" I tried to pull my wrist back as whimpers we're leaving my mouth more and more. She yanked me back making me stumble forward into her. She leaned into my ear sending a dark shiver down my spine. "Nisi cum pastoribus positas ut occiderent atque delerent . Et , qui potestatem weilds hanc comburet damnatione nos" She whispered in a terrifyingly Shrilled voice. She now sounded like an evil witch. I didn't know what she said but she frightened me to my core. She suddenly let go and stood up with a gentle smile on her face again. "It was really lovely meeting you Lucy. Don't forget what I have told you" I watched confused and flustered as she walked away into the distance. Those words sticking into my mind. I may not know what they mean but I knew I would never forget them. I decided that maybe if I saw an old friend, Helen from my old Job, she may know what language this is. She was very good with languages and could speak many fluently. She left Harry's before I did. With Luck she may have been at her newer job that was at the cafe just next to the beach. Without hesitation I got to my feet and started a brisk pace there. 

The moment I walked into the cafe I spotted Helen immediately. "Hey stranger" She smiled as she rushed from round the counter taking me into a hug.  "Wow! You look well" She smiled as she pulled me back at arms length. "I do? Thanks. So do you" I replied wanting to just skip intros and get straight to the point. "I am due for a break. Come round back and we can chat" She lead the way as I followed her. The cafe was empty apart from the odd one or two older business types typing away on their laptops. The back room was secluded. Perfect for me to ask. We took a seat as she poured some coffee and handed me a mug. "So what's up?" I shifted in my seat double taing the door to make sure it was closed. "I need to know what language this might be" I started. She watched me expectantly as I tried to remember the words. "Nisi cum pastoribus positas ut occiderent atque delerent . Et , qui potestatem weilds hanc comburet damnatione nos. Or at least I think that is what it is" Helen's face become a bit shocked as I said those words. Was it bad? "That Latin Lucy. Not many people learn that" I was glad she at least could give me the language. I could go from there to translate it I guess. But her telling me what it was blew me away "It means...With the Shepherd of fire there can only be death and destruction. He who weilds this damnation power will burn us all" I sat silent, my lips parted trying to think of what to say. I was completely worried that some strange women would approach me and say something like that. "Why did you need that translating? Seems a bit weird if you ask me" She laughed. I laughed also trying to hide the truth. "It was in a book I read. Had me stumped for weeks" I smiled weekly taking my mug hoping she wouldn't ask further. "Yeah authors like to do that sometimes. Doesn't help if you can't speak the damn language and they decide to throw random phrases everywhere". 

"Anyway..." I began feeling really uneasy after hearing the words meaning. "I better be off. I was just passing through but we should hang out some time" Helen looked a bit upset when I stood up to leave. I placed my empty cup down after drinking my coffee quickly. "Ok. Well it was nice seeing you" I nodded to say bye and headed outside the cafe. Standing in the sea breeze  felt myself fill with worry and dread. Who was that women? Why did she say that to me? I trusted the guys. I trusted Lilith. Yeah some things seem a bit off but surely I wasn't being used. Zack loves me...doesn't he? I continued to worry over this thought as I walked back along the beach. I walked for a mile out of my way when I decided to head back home. The walk was filled with just as much worry. I had to get these thoughts out of my head. I couldn't risk the guys finding out. What if it got me into trouble. I knew what I had to do. I needed to snoop and try and find out exactly what and who I am in all this. Why do they need me and am I truly being used. I had to do something before I dove head first and possibly made a huge mistake. 

First chapter in a while guys :)I know it's short but it's better than nothing huh? Anyways please vote and sub if your reading this story. I really want to know what people think and if anyone from now has any long as it doesn't spoil future events for this book and the next I am happy to answer. I am going to be doing a facts book as a side to explain certain things because this story is about to get confusing. 

Anyways thanks for reading and enjoy!




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