Untitled Part 14

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"I know exactly how you feel. I still struggle to live with what I am daily" I exhaled feeling like someone actually did understand how I was feeling. Watching Zack as he cried telling me how he struggled to come to terms I felt now wasn't the time to ask him what he meant when he said I was born to be his. A knock on the door interrupted us. "Lunch is here" Brian smirked pushing a young attractive man into the door. I scrunched my brows at the man as Brian closed the door as he left us alone. Zack stood to his feet and stepped towards the young man. He was no older than myself. I felt myself become nervous with a sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Your her meal today" Zack informed the man. He looked down on me with bright blue eyes which his blonde hair slightly covered. "It's my pleasure" He smiled softly stepping towards me and kneeling in front of my legs. I didn't look anywhere else but at the man in shock. "Zack I can't" I protested but he didn't say a word a for a moment till my silence stood for a whole minute. "Lucy, he is your meal from now on. You have three others. They will take turns so they don't loose too much blood. They all agreed to this" I looked into the mans eyes as he looked up at me waiting for me to take his life force. "Sinji! make sure she feeds from you. You don't leave this room till you have" Zack pointed mainly at me as he left me alone in the room with this human. Panic took over me as I started to worry what would happen if I did. What if I became some wild animal and took it too far? What if I lost control. "Please Lucy" Sinji spoke in a soft voice. "If you don't want to take it from my neck then take it from my wrist" I sighed out hoping to get up and just leave the room. That's when I smelt it. My eyes snapped to Sinji's wrist to see a new cut he had made. Red liquid that smelt like a desert slowly slid down his arm. He held it up to me with hopeful eyes. My lips parted as my body wanted to go on automatic but I held myself back. "I can't" I whispered shakily. Sinji kept his eyes on me with a confused look. "You will become out of control if you don't" He insisted pushing his wrist further towards me. I thought for a moment about what he just said. He was right. I had been told that if I didn't feed when hungry it would make me become enraged and uncontrollable.

Sighing out again I decided to bite the bullet. I gently took his wrist and slowly brought it towards my lips. I lightly latched on keeping my fangs away. Instantly the blood dripped into my mouth and slid down my tongue. It didn't taste how it should. It tasted like the sweetest thing I had ever had pass my lips. I felt the need to drink more as I gripped tighter onto his arm. A feeling of ecstasy rushed through my body until suddenly his wrist pulled away and it stopped. I opened my eyes which I never knew I even closed to see Sinji smiling up at me as he wrapped his wrist with a bandage from his pocket. "You satisfied your hunger?" I nodded yes feeling no longer hungry. It didn't seem as bad as I thought it would be feeding from a human. What's worse is the fact he allowed me to do this willingly. "I'm glad you enjoyed my blood" He added getting to his feet and leaving the room. I sat silent shocked at myself. That was so easy it frightened me a bit. I should hate myself right now but as I wiped the blood from my lips I felt nothing else but relaxed and happy. I zoned out wondering why I felt this way not realising someone had come back into the room. "You feel better?" My thoughts snapped back to Zack as he stood softly smiling down at me. "That wasn't what I expected. I almost feel ashamed of myself" Zack gave a small laugh as he reached out for my hand. I took it without thinking and stood to my feet. Zack pulled me into him our faces inches apart. "I love you so much Lucy. You have nothing to be ashamed of. This is who you are now. Your not a monster. Human's like the people who feed us except our existence. They want to help. This way we don't have to hurt anybody and we can live our lives just like the humans" I nodded understanding what he was saying. I suppose he was right. This would be better then having to forcefully take our food.

The next morning I awoke alone in bed. The whole house was silent. Nobody was around. I waited a second later really listening for anything that could be heard. The only thing I did hear was the damn dog chewing a shoe on the front drive. Figures! I got out of bed and sorted myself out dressing in skinny jeans and a random black tank top. I headed downstairs about to walk to the kitchen when I froze. My conversation with the strange women came back into my mind. My eyes shifted to the door under the stairs remembering a red box is in there waiting for me. I was sceptical about the women's true intentions but I also was very curious as to what she had hidden that was suppose to be the only thing to be able to injure Zack. I stepped towards the door placing my hand on the handle as I listened out once more. Nothing. Nada! I opened the door with a loud shriek of the hinges filling the large marbled floor hall. Without much effort I saw the box immediately. I bent down placing my hands on the red wooden item pulling it into my arms. It was only the size of a shoe box but it was very heavy. Or would have been back when I was human. I kicked the door shut and decided to check it out upstairs in case anyone happened to come back. The moment I was in the bedroom I sat on the bed crossed legged with the box on the comforter in front of me. I bit my lip just looking at it. I started to get all sorts of thoughts about what it could be. One possibility was some weird virus was locked inside that could kill me within minutes. Another possibility was it is nothing. The final? It would be an item that I am sure could be worth a lot in the eyes of Zack's enemies. I had to check this out. I had to make sure it wasn't anything else before I brought it to anyone elses attention. Reaching out slowly I lifted the box lid. It smoothly opened showing the box was well made. The lid dropped back revealing a red velvet cloth covering what was concealed inside. I took a moment then reached out again with my fingers lightly lifting the material. 

I frowned as I looked down at the silver blade with Latin inscribed down the blade. It didn't look like anything special. It looked pretty stupid to be honest. I reached down placing my hand on it to feel a sharp burn course through my hand. I jumped back retracting my hand and throwing myself off the bed away from the box. I looked down gripping my hand to see a burn quickly healing as the pain faded. "What the fuck?" I gasped out. I then noticed a piece of paper that had stuck to the lid inside. I cautiously stepped towards the box snatching the paper and unfolding it to see what it was. I noticed the paper was a note to myself from the strange women. 


This blade is the only thing that can stop the shepherd of fire. Do not touch it without a glove. You have his blood coursing through you so the blade can harm you also. Use this blade to stop him. Before it is too late.

Staring back down at the blade I gulped knowing this was the real deal. Right here in my possession was the only thing that could harm Zack. It could kill him if used properly. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should tell any of them. Hearing a noise on the drive and knowing someone was back I slammed the box shut and quickly slid it under the bed. I had to think about this. I didn't know if I should say something in case the others saw me as a threat. I had to find out what that women wanted. I had to try and find her.


(Sorry the chapters short. Just a filler to continue as I have been away and now trying to update all stories :))

Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Please please please comment what you think about the story so far. What you think may happen next and what you wish to happen. I may slide a few of your ideas in there between the story I already have mapped out. :) Anyways please comment, vote and enjoy :) 



Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now