Parenting problems

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"Lucy? You about?" Zack shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I said yes quietly knowing he would hear me even being a distance down the hall in the bedroom. "Come down stairs. Matt wants you" I got to my feet checking back to make sure the box wasn't in view at all. Once happy I went down stairs and headed straight for Matt's office. "Come in" He said just as I raised my hand but didn't even get the chance to knock on the door. I entered the room closing the door behind me. Matt sat in his office chair staring at a picture in his hand. I couldn't make out what the picture was as Matt looked back down at it like he was judging something. "Alex got pulled out of school today" I blinked back at Matt confused. "School? Alex doesn't go to school does he?" I should have been better at parenting my brother to send him to school myself. With everything that had been going on I forgot about Alex's education. "I enrolled him into the boys prep school. He would get a good education there if he didn't get into so many fights" I clamped my mouth shut as Matt looked back at me sternly. His hand placed the picture facing up at me as he slid it across the table. I looked down to see a picture of a boys face all beaten up. The boy was the same age as Alex. "Your brother has a problem of bullying the same kid repeatedly. I have tried talking to him about it but he won't listen and quiet frankly I am starting to lose my patience with him" I pushed the picture back to Matt not wanting to see it anymore. I couldn't believe this. "How long has Alex been doing this? And why didn't you tell me before?" Matt turned in his office chair to face me fully. He looked rather pissed. "A while now. The moment he started he began to pick on this one boy. For a human he is very volatile towards other humans. If he picks on the wrong kid he won't make it out of that school alive. Lucy that school is a mix of half breeds and humans. For us to keep up moral within our community we have to show ourselves to be understanding and committed for us to fit in with the human world. If anyone causes a crack, everything could fall through. Everyone knows you are Royalty through change and marriage. Everyone also knows Alex is of your relation automatically making him a part of the family. You need to get your brother under control or I will have no choice but to let the elder council deal with him and they won't be so kind about it!" I gulped as Matt warned me and nodded understanding I had to do something and right now. "I'll talk to him and find out what's going on" I didn't even wait to be dismissed. I exited the room and went straight out into the garden knowing Alex would be there with Pinkly. 

I headed down towards the pond with the bench seeing Alex sat there in what I presumed to be school uniform sulking. "Can I take a seat?" I asked standing to the left of him. Alex kept his eyes down and gave a nod as he swung his feet. He looked really upset. "Wanna tell me why you beat that boy up at school?" Alex kept his eyes down. I saw tears start to fall down his pale cheeks. I hated seeing Alex upset like this. It broke my heart. I couldn't feel the upset getting to me as I watched Alex just sit there not answering silently sobbing. "You know when I was in school there was this girl called Helen. She always used to say mean things to me, make mean jokes about me, hit me when I did try and stick up for myself. Every day I used to come home crying. I didn't understand why she hated me so much. All I ever wanted was for her to like me but she never did." Alex's eyes shifted to me as I told him about something he never knew. He always looked up to me but truth be told in school I had no end of bullying. I was always the victim. "You know it hurts when people do that kind of stuff to you don't you?" Alex nodded yes looking down ashamed. Tears fell even more showing his guilt. "You wanna tell me what started it?" I waited patiently for him to open up. He was refusing to talk. There wasn't much I could do without scolding or punishing him. I didn't want to have to do that unless it really came to it. "If something was going on at school or even here at'd tell me right?" Alex shift uncomfortably. "I'm scared to tell you in case they hurt me" Ok well I didn't expect that answer. "Nobody is going to hurt you Alex. I can't stop what ever is going on to make you do this unless you tell me" Alex looked up past me behind my shoulder and clamped his mouth shut. His eyes stuck there for a moment like he was worried. I could feel Zack right behind me as is aura entered mine. He came round to the front of the bench and crouched down to Alex's level in front of him. I smiled softly at Zack as he started to try and sooth Alex with a firm pat to his shoulder. 

Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now