Welcome to the family

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"Oh my god" I whispered letting go of Zack completely then moving closer to the mirror. "No no no no no.."I starting shaking my head in a panic. "It's ok I promise. You just take after me more than we originally thought. I couldn't shake this feeling of dread. I knew I wasn't just any old vampire. I knew that what ever Zack was a part of that was inside me. It felt pure evil. "Oh my god I'm finally pregnant!" I heard Val beem from the other side of the house. I looked in that direction at the wall and so did Zack. "Your hearing is amazing too just like mine. The guys hearing is not as clear as ours. This is actually pretty amazing. Maybe I should be more gentle with you. If you really are just like me then I doubt you would be losing control that easily" I didn't really take in what he was saying. I was too busy trying to not cry over what I just heard. Val was finally pregnant, after all this time receiving ivf. She was going to be a mother and me...I would never get that chance. I looked down at my hands to see how pale my skin now was. I felt sick. I disgusted myself and whats worse is I would never have the things I wanted in life at all now, not ever! "Try not to think about that" was he fucking kidding me? "No. look I know your being turned wasn't planned, when it is just in case the girls like to save their eggs and later hire someone to carry for them. Well we may not be able to do any of that now but when the time is right adoption is always an option. There are even newly changed children who need parents so that's always an option" My head snapped up at him with anger radiating off me. I was not only disgusted with what I now was but I was more disgusted that he would be ok with a practice that meant changing children into this.

"Ok maybe that wouldn't be an option. Look go to sleep. I will be in tomorrow morning for you. Don't leave this room till then" I nodded excepting his order and got sorted for bed. Within ten minutes I was crying myself to sleep.

"Ok get up babe" I heard his voice as I began to wake. Waking up was not really like it is as a human now. You woke and that was it wide awake. I always struggled to get moving straight away. This would definitely save time in the mornings, I thought to myself. "Get dressed" He pointed me towards the bathroom handing me some clothes and without checking what he gave me I did as he told me. I couldn't grasp what was happening but anything he told me to do was suddenly no choice of my own. I simply did it without question. I guess this would be how things were from now on. Once dressed in the blue skinny jeans and plain white vest and black sandals I stepped out the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed also but I don't think I needed to. My teeth were sparkling white and perfect now. Strange. I grabbed my brush and just gave my hair a quick work through and was now done. "You sorted?" I nodded yes and grabbed his hand that he was holding out for me. "Where are we going?" Zack just smiled in response. I didn't push any further once I spotted Pinkly running towards us and Alex playing in the garden with Brian. As they all spotted us everyone began to follow. Zack led me back to the room the elders were in the night before. Once inside I noticed how the elders were there dressed more formally and a few others who I guessed were close friends to the boys with how they gave them a hug hello.

"Should I be worried?" I whispered to Zack once we stood in front of the elders again with everyone quieting down around us. "Nothing to be worried about"The child elder said. Shit I forget we could all hear better than normal. "Lilith" She smiled now standing in front of me holding out her hand. I looked at her confused as she wasn't holding it like you would to shake hands. "You need to curtsy" Zack chuckled under his breath. Everyone in the room gave a small chuckle at that also and I felt myself feel embarrassed. I took her hand and curtsy like Zack instructed and she smiled at me once I was stood back to normal. "I am impressed. You are not only a better choice for Zachary but you have strength and determination. I took a moment to look back upon your life up to now and I believe you could do great things by Zachary's side. Before you learn exactly what you have become, we ask you take a vow of loyalty to the crown and the elders court. I nodded to agree and a man brought a book across handing it to Lilith. It looked old and rotten. Must have been older than anyone in this room. I was instructed to place my hand on the book and with a reassuring nod from Zack I did as instructed. "Repeat after me. I Miss Lucy Baker, swear upon the oath, creed and the crown that I will keep all my loyalty's to the elders and this court. I take my duty seriously..."She continued. Myself repeating each sentence word for word after her till she caught me off guard. "...and except my title as her royal highness princess Lucy" I froze staring back at her. "What? Zack?" I worried looking back at him. He couldn't make eye contact with me and everyone was completely silent in the room. "I'm sorry but what?" I asked Lilith hoping she would explain. She smiled softly at me. You could see the age of her soul in her eyes even if she did just look like a seven year old child. "Zachary here is a Shepherd of fire, that makes him royalty. Marrying him alone was not enough to make you his wife. Now he has turned you that makes you his wife and his princess" I couldn't help but laugh. It sounded like some messed up Grimm brothers fairy tail. "Well not quiet Grimm brothers but close enough. She smiled at me. "Now is the time to show you except the title and you except Zachary fully. If not then we will allow you to be on your way but you will be banished" I looked at Zack who was looking mighty nervous but also still wouldn't even look at me.

"You love him don't you?" She questioned as I kept my eyes on Zack. "More than anything" I whispered. A few women awwwwed us throughout the room and a smile crept onto Zack's face. I decided to take the plunge. I already married him. In a way this was like renewing our vow's. I placed my hand back on the book and she repeated again. I repeated back what she said and the moment I finished those words a glow erupted from around myself and Zack. "I can now welcome you to our kingdom" Lilith smiled and everyone applauded. I was still confused as to what was happening but the moment Zack looked at me and kissed me tenderly I forgot all about it. I just wanted him, he was my life and I would be with him for eternity. Or so you would think....

Shepherd of Fire (Book 2 following Dangerline) SMUT WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now