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The music is so loud that you can barely hear what Sam is telling you. You just got here, but the party probably has been going on for about an hour or two. As freshmen, you weren't technically invited, and that was one of the reasons why Sam was a little hesitant about coming. But, as you told him before, what was the point of college if you didn't at least sneak into one of the famous fraternities' parties? Even if he wasn't so keen on the idea, you knew he would follow you anywhere.

"What is it?" You scream over the booming music. Sam has to crunch down to your height to hear you better.

"I asked if you wanted something to drink." His eyes skim the dancing bodies around you until he can see, at the other side of the room, the table where all the snacks and drinks are placed.

"Sure," you accept, "get me something strong!" He shakes his head, and, without a word, walks over to the table. You know for a fact that he isn't going to get you something strong because you're pretty much a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Still, no one said you can't pretend a little.

It has been a week since you started college, and to be honest, it has been a mountain of different feelings and situations. For the most part, it turns out that being away from Sam was something bound to take some time to get used to. Essentially, the only classes you shared were that of Mr. Robinson and Econ. The rest of the time, however, you wouldn't even cross paths. Considering that you've been in proximity throughout your entire life, it was a big change. Your mother would claim that it was expected to happen and that it would make you more independent. While it's true, it doesn't mean it hurts any less. Of course, you don't want to be separated from your best friend for good. Hence, you decided to spend all Saturdays in each other's company, given that during the week you would be busy in your respective academic lives. That's how the party became your designated activity today, much to Sam's dismay.

When Sam comes back, he's carrying two bottles of beer in his hands. "Hey! I told you to get me something strong." You try to sound angry, but in the loud environment, your friend doesn't even pick up on it.

"All the other drinks are open, and I don't trust not knowing what is in those things. So you get a beer or nothing." You pout exaggeratedly, and Sam swears you look devilishly cute.

"Well, I guess it's better than nothing." You take a large gulp of your beer. Sam, however, only sips a little of his. Apparently, he has designated himself as the one keeping his head together tonight. You're about to ask Sam to a dance, when another figure, not so far away from you, catches your eye. "That's Brady! C'mon!" You take your best friend by the arm and drag him along.

"Who's Brady?"

As it turns out, Brady is someone you met in one of your classes, you got talking and discovered that he is also pre-law, just like Sam. Your goal is now to introduce them, and hopefully that way Sam will have more friends. It's not that he has trouble making them, just that, out of the two of you, he's the one that takes university more seriously.

As you go near Brady, you notice that he's chatting with a bubbly blonde in some mini shorts. You've never seen her before, but that doesn't stop you to go near them.

"Brady!" You greet. He turns around and smiles once he notices you're the one talking to him.

"Hey, gorgeous," Brady's pet name for you has Sam doing his best not to grimace. You still haven't told him who the hell is Brady.

"I didn't know you were invited to the party."

Brady laughs, "I suspect that neither of us was invited." He throws an arm around your shoulders as if he has known you his whole life. "Brady doesn't need an invitation to have a good time, gorgeous." This time, Sam doesn't hide his grimace. Who speaks of themselves in the third person?

Unluckily for him, that's the exact moment that Brady notices him. "Hey man, how are you? I'm Brady." You can only think that it's good he doesn't take Sam's facial expression personally.

"Hey, I'm Sam, her best friend." He isn't trying to sound almighty correcting his status, but 18 years of friendship are not for nothing.

"Oh, you're Sam !" There's instant recognition on Brady's face. You've talked about Sam before.

He wants to add something else, but the blonde beside him interrupts eagerly. "Hey there," there's a sweet smile on her face. "I'm Jessica."

Even though neither you nor Sam know her, she seems to be exclusively introducing herself to your tall friend. In response, Sam looks at her with a polite smile. You can tell by the look on Jessica's face that she's eagerly expecting to be acknowledged by your best friend. To some degree, you can understand why. After all, Sam is a handsome lad, even if most of the time you rather not think about that.

Because Sam doesn't say anything, you decide to speak, "nice to meet you, Jessica."

She smiles your way, "Brady mentioned you're both together in Math," she giggles softly, "good luck with that, he sucks in that subject."

Brady, in turn, scolds her, "hey! If I remember correctly, you weren't all stellar on it, either."

"But I still did better than you on the final exams!"

The banter seems all too familiar, you don't have any siblings, but given that you've basically lived with the Winchesters half of your life, you know it too well. "You two are related?"

Brady laughs, "sadly, this little midget is my baby sister."

Crimson colors Jessica's cheeks, "I told you to stop calling me that!" Her nervous side glance lets you know that she's more embarrassed about Sam hearing the nickname than anything. "Besides, we're technically fraternal twins, and he's only, like, two minutes older."

Suddenly, the music changes to a different, upbeat tone. You like this song, and Brady must too because he says to you, "why don't we go dance?" Then he looks back at your companions, "I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind keeping Jess company, right man?"

You're not blind, yet you still aren't sure if this is Brady's attempt to score one for himself, for his sister, or both. Nevertheless, you hesitate. You really don't mind dancing with Brady or leaving Sam with Jess, but ever since your first party at middle school, back when you were both awkward nerds trying to fit in, you and Sam always shared every first dance together. Always.

"I don't know..."

Brady misinterprets your uncertainty. "It's ok, gorgeous, my sister is very well-behaved, your friend is going to be just fine." Jess' indignant complaint falls on deaf ears. Brady, much to your and Sam's dismay, pulls you along with him to the dance floor.

Sam's first instinct is to follow because you clearly don't want to share the first dance with him. Jess places a gentle hand on his arm, stopping him. "Easy there, Brady might be a bit of a dick, but he just wants a dance." Her smile brightens her features, "maybe you want to dance too?" The offer is clear in her wording.

Sam shifts, uncomfortable. Jess' hand falls from his arm. "I'm really not in the mood right now, sorry."

Jess' face drops, "sure, yeah, no problem... maybe later."

Sam feels like shit for making such a cheery girl like her sad, so he adds, "sure, later."

She doesn't notice the small dismissive tone because she beams at him and starts talking his ear off about god-knows-what. Sam only half listens as he looks back at the dance floor, where you and Brady seem to be having a good time, if your laugh is any indication. Sam feels a pang in his chest. He tells himself that it's ok, he might not be your first dance for tonight, but you will be his first.

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