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Having breakfast with Sam was meant to be some sort of ice break of what transpired the night before. You still haven't spoken about finding him with Jess, and despite his brief reassurance that nothing happened, you don't quite believe it to be true. Sam's attraction for another is only natural, just as yours for Mr. Robison... Sam's gentle embrace from the night before had helped you to sleep, just as you knew it would, but the morning brought back the unpleasant memories of the encounter. If you could, you'd erase it from your mind entirely. Sam encouraged you to say something about it to the dean, but you declined the idea. The last thing you need is attention, and considering nothing major occurred, the blame would be on you for getting involved with a teacher. You just want to forget and move on. This includes putting a stop to your hook-ups, at least until further notice.

"I told Brady and Jesse that I don't want to see them again for sex," you announce bluntly.

Sam, who is mid-chewing a chicken fillet, chokes at your words. At a nearby table, an old lady looks at you startled.

You're having a nice meal at one of the restaurants just outside of campus. Sam was keen on trying the place, and you just wanted to get out. However, since you ordered, none of you has said anything, too deep inside your thoughts.

"Who is Jesse?" That's not the answer you were expecting to get. Haven't you told Sam about Jesse?

"It's this guy I've been seeing..." You met Jesse shortly after the fraternity party. He's a tall, dark-haired, and somewhat muscular guy. He's also a few years your senior, maybe you have a type. Still, you didn't hook up with him right off the bat. No, you waited until the third meeting to do so. And you both were quite happy with the no strings attached agreement.

"How many guys are you seeing?" Sam can't hide the accusatory tone in his voice, but you let it slide.

"Just three, and don't worry, I was safe, and they were all aware it was casual."

Sam sighs, "I- I'm sorry, I'm just worried, you know?"

You don't want to have this conversation again. "I told them this morning, and with Mr..., he must be aware that what happened yesterday was the end of things." You stab your half-eaten waffle. "I don't think being casual was for me... I like the romance and stability, I guess."

"And what's wrong with wanting that?"

"Nothing, I just thought I could have a little fun meeting different people."

Sam scowls down at his plate, trying to hide his expression from you, but you notice. "You can have fun with just one person." He says the words as if there's a hidden meaning behind them, perhaps there is.

"Is this about Jess?"

That takes Sam off-guard. "What? No, I told you there was nothing going on between us."

There's skepticism in your voice when you answer, "Really? Then why was she in your room at night?"

He visibly winces at your words. "It wasn't that late, and we were just talking. She wanted to borrow some notes from class." You don't mention to him that the way she was dressed was not for simply asking for notes. "I'm not stupid, I know that she wants to go out, but- I'm not interested in her."

You hum in acknowledgment. "She is your type, though."

"How do you even know who my type is?" Sam's tone is more curious than offended.

"Remember Isabelle Lerman from fifth grade?" The realization is instant on his face.

He knows what his type is, even if he doesn't dare to accept it. "Right, well, I can have other types too, you know?"

"Like who?" He narrows his eyes dangerously. The hazel shines in the promise of something hidden. It's like he's trying to gather courage for something, and you might know what it is.

Do you want to hear him out? Is it time yet? Before he can speak, someone approaches your table. You don't notice at first until she's standing right next to you. Jess' beautiful features are contorted into a mask of annoyance. She's not amused in the slightest by your presence next to Sam. Looking at her, you can safely say she's still pissed about yesterday. Her deep frown and accusatory eyes are clear proof of it.

"So, I take that you're feeling better?" Her tone is a mixture between genuine and sad. Her behavior overall is giving you whiplash. To some degree, she seems nice, but there's also a bite to her words that is undeniably there.

"Yes, sorry about- uh yesterday," you're not sure if you should apologize, but you do it anyway. "I wasn't... I went through something. It wasn't my intention to interrupt your meeting."

"Meeting?" Jess looks expectantly in Sam's direction. She's waiting for him to say something about your word choice, possibly for him to correct it and say it was a date. However, he doesn't say add anything to the conversation. Sam only acknowledges Jess with a smile and a nod. It doesn't take long for her to understand the situation. "I- I think- my class is about to start." She takes one last look at Sam and then flees out the door. Her hurried steps briefly remind you of when you were in her situation.

You look back at Sam's reaction. He stares at her retreating form with sad eyes, but he doesn't attempt to go after her, nor does he seem remorseful.

"Not going after her? She is angry."

"I know, but I've told you, she's not the one for me."

You think that speech is getting tiresome, does he believe you won't approve of Jess? Does your opinion matter? Maybe, because your heart feels heavy for some reason at the thought of them together. You like her well enough... or more like, you don't mind her. But her and Sam, what if she takes him away from you? He is your best friend. Was Charlie right when she said that you're jealous? Why does it feel like something more?

Unbeknownst to your train of thought, Sam continues. "She's not the one for me, but I know who is." You look straight into his bright eyes, "you are."


A/N: Check out the external link for the final chapter, or wait until it's posted on Wattpad.

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