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For a whole minute, no one seems to be able to say anything. That surprise you're feeling is too much, plus the recent events with Mr. Robinson are still fresh in your mind. What are you supposed to say? It's not the first time that you've seen your best friend hooking up with a girl, so why does it feel so awkward this time around? On his part, Sam seems to be feeling off with the situation as well, given the way he tries to avoid your eyes. The only one with no problem is Jess, because she keeps smiling brightly and is oblivious to the tension in the air.

When you finally manage to find your voice, you decide to forgo Jessica's presence, and instead focus on what you came for; the comfort of your best friend. "Sam, I- Can I come in?" You don't want Jessica to find out what happened, but you also cannot go back to your place the way you are right now. There's a high possibility that April is back in your room, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Both Sam and Jess step away to let you inside, you don't see any signs of Sam's roommate, as much as that's a relief, it's also a clear sign that your best friend was in the middle of something.

"Are you ok?" Jess' sweetness stirs your stomach, you don't want her pity. "You're all soaked."

As if breaking out front from his stupor by her words, Sam quickly hands you a towel. You take it and pull it around your body, but the warmth of the fabric is not enough to quell your anxieties. You need to be with him, you need your friend's embrace. However, you don't dare to voice it out loud for the fear of rejection. After all, you're the one that interrupted their evening. Asking Jessica to leave would probably be rude and yet, that is exactly what Sam does.

Knowing you for your whole lives give you a connection with each other to the point that you know exactly what you need. Furthermore, you are the most important person to Sam, so he doesn't hesitate to turn around to face Jessica's waiting eyes to tell her. "Do you mind leaving?" He doesn't sugarcoat it or really give her a choice. Under other circumstances, you might have scolded him for it, but you're too tired to care right now.

"But it's raining," Jessica simply says.

Sam doesn't back down, "I'm sorry, but this is important." Then, because he's still the sweetest, he says "I'll call Brady, I'm sure he can take you home..."

Jessica doesn't let him finish, "don't bother, I know my way." Before she leaves, she gives you a small smile tainted with jealousy. You try not to feel too bad about it. She's clearly disappointed you've interrupted whatever was going on with Sam.

In the back of your mind, you wonder why Sam has decided to ask her to leave. The confusion only lasts briefly, because once he looks at you after Jessica is gone, you know that, just like he is your priority, you are his. If it were the other way around, you would also send whatever guy you were with in order to take care of your best friend. Maybe the notion of prioritizing him over everything can be viewed as toxic for possible future relationships, but it's the way things work in your friendship, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

For a moment, the situation with Mr. Robinson takes secondary importance when you ask, "did I interrupt something?"

To be honest with yourself, as much as you are glad Jessica is gone, you never meant to cause any problems for Sam. The last thing that you need is to appear as a jealous best friend. It has happened before that each other's couples feel threatened by your friendship. That's probably the main reason why you don't have long-term boyfriends or girlfriends, respectively.

"No, don't worry, Jessica and I were just talking," Sam's gentle voice reassures you. For a moment, you contemplate he might be lying to you, given Jessica's reaction to your presence. Nonetheless, Sam has never done that before, and you doubt it's going to start now. As if to further quell your thoughts, he adds, "nothing happened between me and Jess." It's clear that he's referring to things beyond tonight.

Some part of you appreciates it, but why would it matter? Even if Sam and she had hooked up, it shouldn't be important for either of you. It's true that Jessica's presence has brought some strange reactions from you. Still, you don't think this is only about her. Ever since entering college, your friendship has been tested several times already; by outer people, by time... Things aren't the way they used to be, and that fact makes you kind of melancholic.

Shaking you out of your thoughts, Sam speaks again. "What happened?" He brings his hands to cradle your face delicately. And it is not until then that you realize a tear has traveled its way down. Is it because of your spiraling thoughts? Or is it because of recent events? You aren't sure.

"Something happened today with Mr. Robinson," your voice trembles a little bit at the end.

It is just like that when you decide to focus your energy on the matter at hand and confide in him what you just went through. Sam listens intently, only the clenching of his fists and jaw can tell you anything about the rage that he's suppressing. By the time you finish your story, you're resting in Sam's bed, looking at the ceiling absently. Your friend is sitting next to you, and he's unusually quiet, considering all that you've told him.

Ten minutes go by and the only thing Sam does is move from his spot to comfort you. He hugs you tightly, and you let him because that's why you came to him. However, he remains silent for a good while. After all you've confessed, you really don't feel like making conversation anymore. It's all the better for you that he decides peacefulness is the right choice. You try to lose yourself in the feeling of your best friend hugging you tightly. Ever since you can remember, Sam's comfort has always been one of your favorite things above all. It's fairly easy to forget about all of your troubles when you feel at home. And that's exactly what happens when you are in Sam's arms. You know it's incredibly cheesy, but you don't mind one bit.

"Don't worry," Sam murmurs in your ear after an hour of silence. "I got you, and I won't let him hurt you anymore."

You know that he really means it, but you also comprehend that it's not really in his hands to do anything. What can Sam do against a teacher with a respectable reputation? Probably not much. Sure, he'll try to take care of you the best he can, but Mr. Robinson will receive no punishment for his actions. If you were to say anything about what happened, it would be your word against his, and even so, nothing really occurred, you don't have a way to prove it. Prove he almost took advantage of you? Prove he's an asshole? Unfortunately, that's no crime. You'd only be tarnished as the student who slept with a teacher...

"Stop it," Sam says, "I can hear your brain thinking... just, it's late, why don't you sleep for a bit?" He makes an attempt of standing up from the bed, but you don't let him, you only pull him closer.

"Stay with me." He doesn't protest, it's not the first time you've shared a bed, after all.

"Alright," he stands up, but this time to turn off the light and discard his shirt to the side. You've seen half-naked Sam (and naked) before, but you always take a moment to appreciate the changes in his body. He's not the lanky kid he once was, it makes sense that beauties like Jess are attempting to catch him. Setting your head on his chest, you prepare to sleep.

It takes you longer than you'd like to finally drift away. When it happens, your breathing slows down, your heart calms and your mind rests. The immense gratefulness you feel towards your best friend cannot compare to anything else. "I love you, Sammy," you murmur sleepily. He doesn't respond, and you think maybe he's already sleeping. You let it drop.

It's when you're almost under when you hear him murmur. "I love you, more than you know."

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