chapter 7 part 2 the truth

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*this is Maximus*

Here is part 2 for you guys


previously on She's the alpha >

"Ok baby number 1 which is a bit bigger the the other is a girl." she said and a huge smile came onto my face. "ok the smaller baby number 2 is a-----boy" she said and an even bigger smile formed on my face, I'm going to be a mommy to girl and a boy. Then she cleaned off the gel and said we could leave and gave us a copy of the ultrasound. and we left with smiles on our faces.

" we are going to have a girl and a boy. what should we name them?" He asked wow I haven't thought of that yet.

"I don't know but one thing I do know is that we can now set up a nursery" I said and he nodded and we drove home.

As we walked in the door I was greeted by my smiley sister.

"So what stuff do I need to get so I can spoil my nephew or niece" she said.

"Well both because one I'm having twins to ones a boy and ones a girl, now enough about me, what about you and you mate." I said raising an eyebrow about the last bit.

"Great, at first I was shocked because I always thought I was straight but I must not be, anyway she is so nice and hot, wow is she hot" she said.

"You really like her." I said

"Yea, I marked her last night, but we didn't mate because unlike her I have never been with a girl before. but she wow" she said in a lovey dovey way.

"If she hurts you then you have to tell me" I said

"Please don't hurt her" she said and ally (xanders' sister) walked into the room. and ran over to Emma's side.

"Are you ok?" she's said. "what did you do?" she said looking at me. Then she took a step forward towards me.

"She didn't do anything, she was just looking out for me." emma said putting a hand on he shoulder and ally automatically relaxed. then ally pulled emma into her and put her head in the crock of her neck and breathed in her sent.

"I'm sorry I didn't know sorry I made you upset, I'm a horrible mate." she said to emma

"No your not a bad mate." emma said.

"i'll leave you to." I said then walked away to find Xander. I walked down the hall when I caught his scent, in my dads office.


as i walked to the door i started to freak out because they are probably going to ask me about my dream well there more like horrible memories. which if i had a choice i would never talk about and probably forget but i know that my hopes won't. i knocked on the door and i heard a faint come in. so i opened and there sat xander, my dad, and mum.

"i think it's time we had a little talk" my dad said and i sat down cross legged on the armchair.

"care to explain those dreams" mum said and i took in a deep breath.

"they weren't dreams they were memories of the first five years of my life." i said and my mum had a look of shock on her face.

"what did they do to you, because from what xander says you where yelling out 'please stop it hurts' " she said

"well where do you want me to start." i asked

"from the beginning " xander said.

"well-- for he first year it was ok one of the maids would look after me, but on my 2nd birthday she stopped and kept me locked in cell and her master and his second in command would come down and take there anger out on me with---beatings and i--f i talked they--they would st-t-ab me and wi-pe me if i cryed then when i was two and half the king of the rogues wo--uld-" i stopped for a second trying to say that he raped "he w-w-ould ---- rape me saying--that he was preparing me fo--r when i-i-would---havehischildern, as the years wen on those things would only get worse, i would only be fed one piece of bread a week and two cups of water, when i was five they had kidnapped a pregnant lady and she was there about a month and we got close she would hold me after my beating and rapeings. then her mate came to save her and they took me with them since her mate was the alpha and a girl they helpped me escape but while we were running they caught up to us and pulled a gun out an went to shoot the lady who was in the cell with me but i jumped in front of the bullet and got shot, some how the doctor saved me and for the next 4 years i lived with them, but i left because my wolf told me to since i turned when i was 5" i said and my mum was in tears, my dad looked like he could kill someone but he also had a tear rolling down his face and as for my mate he looked like he could also kill someone but he also was crying and he ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"i'm so sorry i such a bad mate" he cried"

" you are not a bad mate, don't ever say that again" i said and he nodded then i stood up and walked over to my mum and pulled her into a hug and she continued to cry.

"i should have stayed and tried to protect you, that should have never happened to you." she cried.

"this is not your fault, if you stayed behind i might have lost you as well and like what they stay what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and those years only made me stronger" i said to her, then i pulled out of the hug and called dad over "get over here old man" i said and shock went over his face.

"i will tell you now i am not old" he said

"keep telling yourself that" i said and everyone laughed. then he hugged me.

'did you tell my parent about the twins' i asked xander through the mind link

'no i haven't, you can tell them' he said

once i pulled out of the hug i went and sat on xander's lap.

"on a happier note Xander and i found out the genders of our babies today." i said and a huge smile came on my parents faces.

"wait did you just say babies as in twins" my mum said then i realized i hadn't told her i was having twin she just thought i was having one.

"yes mum i'm having twins, onces a girl and onces a boy" i said and she let out a squeal.

"so what are you going to name them." she said

"Mum we only found out just an hour ago, so not really thought of any names, actually that is a lie I did think of some but that was before I found out the genders" I said and she laughed. "anyway I need a shower so we can talk about this later" I said then I started up stair when my phone rang.

Me - hello

Unknown - hello four, I heard your pregnant you really are a slut. but don't worry princess I'll kill those kids for you so we can have our own.

Me - why do you want me so bad why can't you just let me be happy.

Unknown - because you are my mate and you are not happy with the weak boy you will be happy with me. that's why I'm coming to get you tonight so we can be happy again.

Then the line went dead. I fell to the ground and cried.

"Avyanna what's wrong." said Bader.

"His back, and his coming to get me." I said

"We won't let anyone take you again, you are our sister we are stuck together forever and always" conall said.


Hey guys what did you think of this chapter.

He is coming back how will they deal with him?

A girl and a boy

So far:

I there has been three names for both girls and boys that have shown up a few times and those names are.

Girls: Arabella, Summer, Winter.

Boys: Gabriel, Jackson, Elijah.

So yea that's all

Love from


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