{3}: Pizza & Confrontation

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- Daisy's POV -

Gosh, i'm so hungry I could eat a horse! I've only had like, four classes, but i'm used to eating whenever I want to! Finally, the bell for lunch rang. I quickly packed my things and bolted out of the door.

I dont even bother to put my things up in my locker, because I was just THAT hungry. When I reach the cafeteria, I look around. It was huge! I look over to see a table where Mario, Luigi, Toad, Toadette, Yoshi, Rosalina, and Luma were sitting at. There were two other empty seats there also.

"Hey guys," I say, swinging my backpack into the chair while pressing my hands against the back of it. Everyone murmurs some sort of "hello" "I'll be right back, i'm gonna go through the line," I point towards the lunch line. Luigi nods and smiles. I return the gesture. After retrieving my food, I sit back down at the table, removing my backpack from my seat before sitting down.

"Sick, Pizza!" I murmur, taking a bite into my slice. Everyone chats for a while. "Hey guys, what happened to Peachy?" I ask, motioning towards the empty chair next to me. "You already know," Toad rolls his eyes and nods towards Bowser's table. Sitting at the table were Bowser, K.B, Diddy, and D.K. Peach was standing next to Bowser's seat, and was talking to him.

Although the group couldn't hear the conversation, based on body language, it wasn't going so well. The two were going back and forth in a heated argument, and then Peach flops her arms to her sides, and then storms away from Bowser, hugging herself. I glace over to Rosalina, who stares back at me. Rosalina shakes her head as I start to get out of my seat. Rosalina continued to tell me to stay, but I wasn't having any of it.

I needed to find out what had happened between the two. Peach was my best friend..it's my responsibility.

- Peach's POV -

I walk down the hallways in search of my locker. It was still slightly difficult to navigate, giving that this entire school was way bigger than any other school that i've been to. I blink back my tears. I wouldn't want to ruin my makeup, right?
...Too late.

I sniffle, as I finally found my locker. Opening it up, I look at myself through the small magnetic mirror on my locker. My mascara was running down my face in small black streaks. Grabbing my makeup remover, I gently dab at my eyes. After doing that, I reapply some of my smudged makeup. Looking into the mirror, I jump back in fear.

"Agh! Daisy! What is with everyone trying to scare me?!" I turn around, and Daisy is standing there. "Sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay..you seemed upset.  I sigh. "Yeah..just a little," Daisy leans against the locker next to me. "Tell me all about it." I fiddle with a strand of hair as I sigh yet again. "Well, what Bowser had said to Mario earlier really bothered me..Usually I brush these things off but now i'm starting to realize..have I really been this ignorant towards this entire situation..?" Daisy stayed silent for a moment, and then looked down.

"You want the truth?" I nod. "Yeah, you have been kind of unattentive towards all the crap that Bowser gives us..It's just, I don't understand why you stay with that dude!" she exclaims. I avoid her gaze. Why do I stay with Bowser, even after all of the things he has done to my closest friends?

"Well for starters..." "Peach, don't even take that upon yourself." "Take what?" "Trying to find things that aren't flaws about that guy," I roll my eyes, and turn away from Daisy. She had really ticked me off this time.

Just as I was about to respond, the bell rang yet again. Daisy groans. "I'll see you, Peaches." I give her a small hug before she leaves.

- Rosalina's POV -

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