Chapter 3 : Midnight!

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Night came by, Suho was playing and already clean wearing his pajamas. He was playing with his stuff toy. Until he felt sleepy and wanted to take a nap.

He stand up and went on his parent's office, He used his body weight to pull down the handle of the door and pushed it forwards to open the door.

"Mommy,daddy" he called and saw his parents talking about something, once they heard him, they stop talking and look towards him.

"Suho, is sleepy" he said and yawn, His mother walk towards him and carry him while they left the office. "My little prince, wants to sleep early?" She ask confused. "Suho, is tired mommy" he said and hugging his bunny.

His mother chuckle as he open the door of Suho room and get inside then slowly lay Suho on the bed, as he close th light, the window and pull down the curtains and open the lamp.

She start singing, while caressing his son hair and watching him slowly falling a sleep. Minutes later, Suho finally sleeping and she kiss his forehead and say goodnight. She left the room and close the door.

Seojun, look at the clocked it's already 11:30, 30 minutes before midnight, he wear his coat and walk at the Hall way.

"Where are you going?" His sister ask, "Going to play with someone" he said, continue walking.

"With who?" She ask, "Secret" he said and use teleportation. He appear on the forest and start walking. "I'll already want to hear and see his laugh,smile" he said and faster his walk.

Midnight came, Seojun look up the window upstairs and using his power he appear in the window, he use his power to open it and get inside.

He smile when he saw Suho sleeping peacefully hugging his bunny, his skin is so white that he was shining in the dark.

He walk towards him, he sit beside him, sitting on the bed as he hold his tiny hands. "So tiny" he whisper and kiss it. Suho hands is so tiny and chubby, he was so cute and his body.

Suho felt someone holding his hand and feel the wind, he slowly open his eyes and saw the friend he told to his parents. "You're back" he said and quickly sit. Seojun chuckle.

"As I promise, I will come back" Seojun replied, Suho sit up and hold Seojun hand. "Mr,why is your hand so cold?" He ask. Seojun remains silent. "No, it's just that, it's cold" Seojun said.

Suho nodded, "Mr,Can you play with me, the whole night?" Suho ask. Seojun nodded.

Ever since that day, every Midnight, Seojun would always plays with Suho. They would talk and play.

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