Chapter 9 : Dead Body

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1 week after that day, Suho and Seojun would always hang-out,study together,eat and more like Suho really trust him. Taehoon and others was shock that how can Suho trust someone he just meet.

Everyone was at the cafeteria and they heard the principal spoke in the speaker that everyone should go in a gym cause they founf dead body. Suho gasp when he saw the dead body it was Soojin. Seojun hug him and hide his face.

Everyone was shock, they all was comfused who did that. Soojin, was known a mean girl and she is Suho toxic ex. After school, Suho was silent all the time. Seojun hold his hand and ask if he is okay. They sit at the park.

"I'm not" Suho answer. "Why?" Seojun ask.

"I'm just shock, i hate her, but i was comfused who would do such a thing to her," Suho said.

Seojun pull him in a hug as he lay Suho head on his shoulder and comfort him, "Maybe she has an enemy, some of the polies will find that person" Seojun said. "I guess so" Suho answer.

"Take a rest for a bit, i will wake u up" Seojun said and he close Suho eyes and let him fall a sleep, Seojun suddenly became cold and think.

"She deserve it, She should have investigate knowing i was a vampire" Seojun though as he caressed his beloved face and grin. "I will kill who would get in my way to get you" Seojun though.

Flash Back

Seojun was walking in the gym thinking of something when Soojin speak beside him.

"Seojun!" She angrily called. Seojun turn and saw Soojin. Seojun was comfused why she look angry. "Y-your a vampire Seojun!" She said.

Seojun became cold and laugh, "oh? So you find out?" He mumble while signing. "Why are you targeting Suho!" She shouted. "He's my destined wife?, you don't know HAHAHA" Seojun said and laugh suddenly Seojun became cold and his eyes became red as he stare on Soojin coldly. Soojon gulp. The next thing happend, Soojin was stab by a knife right of her heart, and cuts on her wrist and neck.

Seojun stare at the dead body and use his power to burn the knife as he clean his self using his power. "Vampire and Demon, that is me!" He though and dissaperead.


Suho open his eyes and saw he was in Seojun bedroom, He felt guilty that Seojun carry him on the way to his place so he get up and open the door.

He saw Seojun watching a movie while drinking a softdrinks so he towards him and apologize. "Sorry for making a trouble" He said.

Seojun chuckles. "Nope, it's okay" He said and smile as he tap the sit beside him, Suho sit beside him. "Are you okay now?" Seojun ask.

Suho nodded, "just hungry" he said and smile making Seojun chuckles. "Wait here, let me cook something" Seojun said as he stand up and walk away.

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