Chapter 6 : Stalker

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12 Midnight.

Suho was sleeping peacefully, while the mark on his neck was glowing. Suho groan in pain as he woke up.

Suho was now in tears, the mark on his neck hurts so much. Minutes later, the pain was gone.

He took a deep breath and try to calm his self down, "What just happened!" He mumble wiping the tears. He stand up from his bed to get some water.

After that, he lay on the bed once again, thinking of something until he fall a sleep.

Minutes later, there was someone standing beside him, that person 'Seojun' sit beside him and hold his hand. "I can't wait anymore" he whisper. He move closer to his ear and whisper.

"You will be mine soon, and I can't wait for that day to happend"


6 AM

Suho slowly open his eyes, the sunlight was seen so he get up and get ready for school. Once he was done he take his leaves. He was walking not until he notices something is wrong.

"Is someone following me?" He through and turn but saw no one, "weird!' He though while continue walking not until he heard it again.

He turn around and once again no one is there, means no one followed him. He sign, he continue not until he heard someone calling his name so he turn and saw Jukyung.

The cheer leader of their school, who was in a car right she was also a rich daughter which made their parents friends. " suho, want to come with me?" She ask. Suho think but before he could think Jukyung got out of the car and pulled him inside.

Suho sign, he has no choice. Suho suddenly saw someone and he saw his eyes, Suho gulp those eyes we're cold and lifeless..

"Your steeling him....'


Suho was wearing his earbuds while listening to their teacher when suddenly the principal came with a student who look pale and rich.

" Huh? "

"Good morning section 1, i would like to introduced your new classmate, Han Seojun, he will be the new student in Saebom High School hope you all will be good and welcome him".

The principal said and smile, on the other hand the new student and Suho eye contact until Taehoon tap Suho and ask what happend.

" Nothing" .

"Suho, i would like you to guide Seojun at our school" The principal said and say goodbye as he take his leaved. Seojun sit at the emphty chair as the class continue.

After Class

Suho was about to leaved the room, until someone hold his hand. Suho turn and saw it was the new student.

"The principal said, you should guide me around the school" Seojun said.

Suho sign, "Were do you wanna go, i'm have business to do" Suho said. "Library"  He said.

"Alright, come one follow me" Suho said and walk away while the new student follow him.

Arriving at the library, Seojun went to find something to read while Suho is sitting reading something that he is interested.

Seojun stared on Suho and smirk. "Just wait your finally going mine! "

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