Chapter 4 : Grown Up!

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Years Later

A fine young man was running on the street wearing school uniform, wearing expensive shoes,watch and more. He was holding a book running.

He stop in front of a room and open it, his classmates eyes fall on him, he ignored it and sit on his chair, fixing his wet hair due to running.

He didn't take a car, so he walks but to his unlock, he got stuck on a traffic. Luckily they have no teacher on first subject.

"Suho, what happened?" A woman name,'Jukyung' ask the young man. The man name Suho turn on him and gave him a cold look.

"Nothing, I'll just take a walk around" He answer and pull out his phone and ear puds then wear it as he listen to his songs. Without noticing a pair of eyes was staring at him.

Suho finally grow up, he was now a fine young man who loves studying, but change., he was now cold he often show his sweet and smile at everyone.

Once a teacher came, no one bother to told to him to take off his head buds. Suho who was writing while listening to music completely knew all the lesson without explaining it.

He was smart, that he was always the top 1 and the face of their school.

After School

Suho was walking alone, wearing his ear buds, listening to music. He wanted to walk around.

Not until he bump on someone, he was about to fall when suddenly the person he bump to catch him and he can felt it's was a man.

"I'm sorry" he said and get up, the man was still holding his arms making him confused.

"Sir, your still holding me, please let go" he said but the man didn't listen, Suho look on him and saw, the man was wearing a hat,mask and all wearing black.

"Your finally grown up" the man said which make Suho confused. "Do I know you?" He ask.

The man let go of him, "No, but soon you will know, who I'm I!" He said and walk away. Suho turn on him and saw the man was holding a chain which he remember he own when he was a kid.

"That chain" he whisper. "Mr,wait" he shout, as he run to follow the man. But he lost him.

"That chain, belongs to me!" He said. He look around but found nothing.

Seojun, take off his mask,hat and black jacket while smiling, his Suho is finally grow up.

"How the trip?" His mother ask, Seojun smirk and look on her. "Very good,mother" he replied.

"He's so perfect, mother" he added. "Really?," his mother ask while drinking a blood. "Absolutely, mother, when you saw him, you will be amaze" He said.

"Then,I can't wait to see the future Queen of our family" She said and continue drinking. "By the way, Ma is the room okay now?" He ask.

"Yes, just like you said, it was okay now" She said. "Then, everything is ready for him" he said and grab the glass of wine then drink it.

"I can't wait to bring him, here" he whisper and drank the wine. His mother smirk.

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