Chapter 8 : Trust

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Arriving at Seojun's house, they both sit on the couch. Suho stare at the house, it was dark and only few light will be seen cause all the place where black and white.

"Wait here, i'll will get some clothes" Seojun said and stand up. Suho watch him and stare at the house.

Seconds later, Seojun come back holding a pair of pjs he was also wearing one. Suho turn and Seojun handed him the clothes, he ask where is the bathroom and he change.

Time Pass

Seojun and Suho was learning not until Suho stop talking and which make Seojun confused so he turn and saw Suho sleeping while his head is laying on the table. He brush Suho hair and smirk.

"So beautiful, my love"  He whisper and kiss his cheeks. He stand up and gently, slowly pick him up, he lay him down on his bed and cover him with a blanket. He sit beside Suho and stare on him.


The Next Day

Suho wake up and saw he was in bed, he get up and left the room and saw Seojun was cooking a breakfast. " Oh, your awake" Seojun said and gave him a smile. Suho nodded and yawn.

"Cute" Seojun though. "Sit, we will eat and go to school" He said. Suho nod and sit while Seojun is preparing their food.

While eating, Suho could tell Seojun was has a cooking skills. Seojun was staring at him smiling knowing he was slowly getting Suho trust.

After eating and getting ready for school they left Seojun's house. Arriving at their school Suho sat at his chair and lay his head on the table thinking of Seojun.

"Should i trust him?" He through. He's out of his mind not until he doesn't realize he fall a sleep. The whole class start but Suho was still sleeping.

No one dare to wake him up because if someone try they saw Seojun death glare which make them stop.

After class, Suho woke up and rub his eyes, opening his eyes he realize he fall a sleep all day. "Gosh" He though and was about to stand up when a voice spoke beside him.

He turn and saw Seojun, "Your still here?". He ask and Seojun gave him a smile. " yep, you fall a sleep" He answer. "Why no one dare to wake me up, tsk, i'm angry" He said. Seojun chuckle.

"Let's eat, your probably hungry?" Seojun ask and Suho nodded as they left. They were eating samyup. Suho is hungry so he didn't noticed Seojun stare on him.

After eating they decide to take a walk since was still not night, ,"Where are we going?" Suho ask. "You trust me right,?" Seojun ask. "Yeah, I trust you" Suho said and gave him a small smile.

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