Chapter 7 : Getting Close

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The Next Day

Suho was staring at the cross necklace, Seojun gave it to him yesterday he felt something new like why would someone gave him a necklace when they just meet.


It's was time to go home, Suho fix his things, after that he was about to leaved the room when someone grab his hand once again and he knew who it was.

"Seojun? " He mumble, he was comfused, he turn and saw Seojun smiling on him. "Hey, i want to give you something" Seojun said and smile. "What it is? " Suho ask.

Seojun then grab something from his pocket and show a necklace it was design a cross (✟,⚜︎,۞) It was 3 Pcs in one. "For me? " Suho ask poiting at his self. "Yeah" Seojun replied and ask him to turn around so he did and Seojun was putting the necklace on him.

"I hope you won't throw it away, it's important, i want to give you this, cause your the only person who wants to friends with me" Seojun said and smile. "You don't have friends? " Suho ask felt bad. Seojun nodded.

"Uhm, thanks for the necklace, i'll will keep it, also i need to go home" Suho said. Seojun nodded as he watch Suho left. Suho leaved without noticing the dark stare of Seojun.


Suho put the necklace inside his closet and take a bath, after showering, he change into his PJS. He play games and eat dinner.

before doing his school works, he go downstairs. he call the security to lock the gate and he lock everything at their house before going to bed.

After that, he went back at his room and do his school works. 2 hours has pass and he was finally done at his school works and decide to finally sleep.

laying at his bed he waits until he fall a sleep.

while sleeping he clearly forget to close his window, exactly 3 Am. Seojun was at his window staring at him while smiling. he walk towards Suho and caressed his face. he smirk.

"Just wait, in a few days you will be mine weitheir you like it or not" He whisper while caressing his beloved face.

The Next Day

Suho woke up and he was comfused he felt like his face was touch for hours. "Weird! " He through and get up to get ready for school.

Once again, him and Seojun go to school together which didn't get unoticed by their classmates and students. "Suho, why your with the new kid? " Taehoon aek, His friend.

"Stop asking" Suho answer and sign, Taehoon smile and sit infront of him. "Are you go, let's study along with the girls" Taehoon said.

"Girls? " Suho said. "Dude, Soojin, Jukyung and the pretiest Sooah" Taehoon said. "No" Suho answer. "Dude, come on just this ones after all the exam is coming, after exam, let's celebrate?".

" Fine, just leaved me alone!" Suho said and sign as Taehoon left with a smile. Suho felt that someone is staring at him. he turn and saw Seojun.

Seojun's POV

I guess he felt me, i saw him turn and we made eye contact, i smile on him but he return a wave of his hand not smiling. "Let's talk after class" I mouthed on him which he nodded.

after class, me and Suho were at the abandoned classroom. he was writing while i'm watching him. "What do you wanna talk about? " Suho ask. I smile. "Are you free this night? " I ask and he nodded.

I saw he was drawing, damn, ever since he was a kid, i knew he likes drawing but i believe he will become a good artist if he wants too, he was reactive and more.

"Why? " He ask, "Let's go to my house, let's study there" I said which clearly a lie, i have plans. "Sure, i don't mind through" He said which make me smile.

after school, just like we talk, i saw him refused his friends offer to hang-out, which make me smirk. He walk away leaving the school which make me follow him.

"Hey" I called him, he stop walking and saw me , i smirk when i saw the necklace on his neck which i didn't saw when we talk. "Sorry, i through, your in a park" Suho said. I walk towards him and ask why he look hurt.

"Nothing," He answer but i knew why, i'll just want him to tell it to me, i held his hand and ask him again. In the corner of my eyes, i saw his friends staring on me.

"I'll just don't want to hang-out with my friend when my ex is there" He said and i nodded. As i pulled him and we run.

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