Chapter 10 : Secret Reveal

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Suho's pov

I was alone at Seojun place, he left since he has some business to do so i was alone, i watch a movie but i heard a knock at the door.

I quickly get up to open the door, when i open and i was shock, the person who knock at the door, was pulling me outside. He throw me at the car and i noticed it was Seyeon, Sooae and Jukyung.

"What the h*ll!" I cursed. What it's wrong with them. "Suho, please listen to us" Jukyung said and i look at her. "Why need to pull me and why the h*ll, the three of you was scared" I said.

"Suho, we know you won't believe us but please listen this is for your safety" Seyeon said and i was silent.

"What say it!" I said. "S-seojun, w-was a vampire, Suho, he was a vampire" Sooae said. I look at them. "Why would i believe about it" I said.

"Vampire don't exist, They don't exist" I said and try my best to put on a normal face even though i know, it's exist. My parents was a scientist and i meet some vampire or anything creatures at a young age.

"Just come with us" Jukyung said and i remained silent. I felt different. We got in Jukyung house and her parents we're here.

I was sitting at the couch when suddenly i felt pain at my neck and my body was getting weak, i felt pain. That when i stand up, i fall. The people around me freak out and ask what happend.

Suddenly, the lights we're turn off. "Who turn off the lights" Jukyung shouted. I felt even more pain, i was suddenly pick up by someone which make me shock. I close my eyes due to so much pain on my neck and my body.


"Let go of him!"

I heard Seyeon and Jukyung shouted, i open my eyes and turn then saw them looking at me scared, even Jukyung parents we're scared.

I smeel a familiar scent so i look up and saw Seojun carrying me, i became scared, his eyes was cold and he look so pale. He wasn't the Seojun i always saw.

"Why you leaved?" He ask, and i was shock, i didn't hear anything other than his voice. "T-they pulled me and telling me y-your a" i said while shuttering at the last sentence.

"Vampire!" He said. "I am, so your scared now?" He said. Then i notices the necklace and chain on his neck, "Let go of me" i said and he did. I was standing infront of him. "T-thats mine" i said.

"Suho, your coming with me" he said and carry me again. I was shock, suddenly he start walking away and outside, i close my eyes when i realized he will use his power.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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