Chapter 14

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"Clint, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift," Green Banner explains.

Chrono-what? My Allspeak is even failing me in this.

"Don't worry about that,"

That seems like something to be worried about.

Stark's friend, who has been quietly observing, finally speaks up, "Wait a second. Lemme ask you something. If we can do this, you know-"

Just spit it out already, I'm simply dying to know your foolish mortal plans.

"Go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos? You know, and..." he trails off, wrapping his hands around an invisible neck and strangling him.

My eyes light up in delight, "Yes!" I exclaim, even though no one can hear me.

Perhaps the mortal is smarter than I thought.

"First of all, that's horrible,"

It's really not. I've strangled Thor for less.

"It's Thanos,"


"And secondly, time doesn't work that way," Green Banner reasons, a scowl overtaking my face, "Changing the past doesn't change the future,"

I thought that's exactly how it worked.

"Look, we go back and get the stones before Thanos gets them," The idiot annoyingly starts talking again, "Thanos doesn't have the stones. problem solved,"

Are you that dull? Green Banner just stated that that isn't how it works.


No, not bingo, actually the opposite of bingo.

"That's not how it works," Banner counters.

You mortals are exhausting.

"Well, that's what I heard,"

"Will you all just shut up?" I growl through gritted teeth, trying not to rip my ghost hair out of my head.

"Wait, but who? Who told you that?" Hulk demands, glaring down at the idiot.

He probably pulled it out of his own... ass? Is that the proper human term?

"Star Trek, Terminator, Timecop," Stark's friend rants, listing off a bunch of Midgardian things.

"Time after time,"

"Quantum Leap, Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in Time," he continues, teaming up with the idiot.

"Hot Tub Time Machine,"

I beg your pardon, what?

"Hot Tub Time Machine," Stark's friend repeats.


"Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel,"

"Die Hard, no wait that's not one," the idiot mutters unhelpfully.

"This is known,"

Is it though? Maybe for you mortals, certainly not for me.

"I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true," Green Banner argues, his voice getting dangerously annoyed, "Think about it. If you travel to the past that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future," he complains, waving his arms all over the place.

I instinctively take a step back, I have no plans of being smashed into the ground again.

"Exactly," Nebula confirms, while I just raise my eyebrows.

That doesn't make any sense.

"So Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?" The idiot scoffs, acting as if his whole life is a lie.

I'm fairly certain this man does not have a single brain cell left.


Barton is standing in the middle of a strange contraption, tendrils facing upwards from each side of the circle. A bunch of pieces of glass protruding from the ceiling.

It's quite ugly, to be honest.

"All right, Clint," Green Banner says, "We're going in three..."

He has children. The mind stone told me so.


It's my own fault they're in this mess.


You have heart.

His helmet fastens, a blinding light engulfing him as he shrinks and vanishes from the world.

The team and I stare at the empty platform for a couple of moments, then I feel it.

A ringing stings through my head.

A flash of a barn.

A white farmhouse.

Our minds intertwined.

A leather glove.

A surge of happiness.

A little girl's voice.


I scream her name.

A searing pain that forces me to collapse to the floor.

Our minds intertwined.

A sparkle of green.

"It worked,"

Then I pass out.

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