Chapter 15

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I wake up on the floor in the big room, hearing voices in the conference room next door.

Attempting to stand up, the world tilts to the right, forcing me to fall right back down.

A spark of green.

No, that couldn't be correct. I'm a fylgjur, unable to use seiðr.


I shake my head, trying to brush the thought away. I had more important things to deal with, mainly the issue of time travel.

Walking over to the conference room, my legs feel like jelly. Not so gracefully plopping down into an empty chair, attempting to listen to Captain Righteous' lecture.

"Okay, so the how works now we gotta figure out the when and the where," he says, his voice monotonously drawl, standing next to an illusion with each of the carriers for the infinity stones pulled up.

"Almost everyone in the room has had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones,"

Or four for some people. (Namely me.)

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed by one of the six infinity stones,'" Stark interrupts.

I wince at the memories.

"Well I haven't, but I don't even know what the Hel you're all talking about," the idiot complains.

Ah, lucky you. Just rub it in our faces then.

Green Banner elects to ignore the idiot and continues on, "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each,"

So absolutely nothing can go wrong.

"And these stones have been in a lot of places throughout history,"

"Our history," Stark adds on.

The history that I will never be a part of. Forever the villain.

"So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?"

"Which means we have to pick our targets," Barton says as I flinch, hearing his voice.

It's not fair. From what I've gathered, Barton went on a rampage after losing everything.

Reminds me of someone else.

No, Loki.

It's not fair.

How come he gets to stay a hero? While I am left the villain?

Stranded and alone.

"Correct," Stark agrees, bursting me out of my dark spiral.

Captain Righteous speaks up once more, "So, let's start with the Aether,"

What I could do with the power flowing through those veins.

Then am I not your mother?

Did she suffer?

"Thor, what do you know?"

Thor is unconscious in the corner smelling like a bilgesnipe, snoring quite atrociously.

"Is he asleep?" Romanoff wonders, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, no. I'm pretty sure he's dead,"

Well, he wouldn't be the first Prince of Asgard to do so.

"Point Break!" Stark shouts, forcing the oaf to jolt awake, sloshing his beer around moronically.

"What do you know about the Aether?" Rogers repeats through gritted teeth.

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