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The next morning you woke up with the terrible feeling of shame ; flashbacks of the previous evening flashing into your mind. You wanted to lie in, to lie forever and to die. You were quite dramatic.

You expected to be the new joke of the school now, the girl drenched in pumpkin juice. Pumpkin juice girl. You shivered in humiliation and threw the blankets off of you roughly. They almost flew against the curtains that separated you from the other girls in your dorm. Angelina was still snoring loudly, you could hear her and you had never been this jealous before. You wanted to be as peaceful as her.

With a hand you slammed the curtains opened, stood up, slid your feet in your slippers, grabbed your wand, gave it a little flick and your bed made itself. Then you huffed, already irritated before the day had even started and you went to the bathroom.You hesitated to go for breakfast, in fear to meet people down there, but your watch on your bedside table indicated an early hour, nobody would be here. So, you prepared yourself quickly and dashed to the Great Hall.

You thanked god that nobody was in here yet, except a boy seated at the Hufflepuff table. You recognized him to be Cedric. The Great Hall was filled with a soon-after-dawn light. It was beautiful, peaceful and calming. You breathed deeply, and it felt like the best breath of your life. Cedric was already eating a bowl of cereal while reading the Daily Prophet. He didn't even turned to you but spoke with a mouth full of cereals. 'Knew you we'e goin' to be ea'ly.' You sat next to him, dropping your head on his shoulders. He knew you by heart.

'I feel horrible.'

He swallowed and looked at you.

'I bet you do.'

You punched his shoulders and frowned to him, he squealed like a little bird which made you smirk. 'I am serious.' You said. 'I slept with the flashbacks of people laughing while I was drenched in pumpkin juice. Believe me that I hate this drink now.'

'C'mon ! Nobody cares, it'll pass.' He dropped his spoon in his left hands and moved his arms behind your shoulders still holding the paper in the other hand. 'You're still the most beautiful girl to me. And I reckon you're smocking hot with juice on your face.'

'Ew ! Cedric that is disgusting !' Your face contorted in a disgusted expression, he laughed. Still in his arms you let out a moan of complaint while his face melt in sympathetic smile. 'It's not that I care what people think about me, not at all, and I don't give a curse about being pretty. Of course I won't deny that I like being liked, but it's just that I keep remembering being all shameful and ridiculous and, and, and it's horrible.'

Cedric moved you closer to him and dropped his forehead unto yours looking deeply into your eyes. 'I know but trust me, it'll pass.'

You nodded and jumped suddenly when a clear of throat echoed behind your backs.

'Sorry to interrupt your your moment with your boyfriend, Miss Y/l/n but, could I have a word with you please.' Said Lupin.

Cedric and yourself, glided apart, far away from each other, red as tomatoes and fumbled for words. But in lack of coordination, all that Professor Lupin had heard was a bunch of words like "not together" "only friends" "no" "never" "not in a lifetime". A very thin smile curled the Professor's lip while he watch you and Cedric embroil in a critical and incoherent explanation but he lifted his hands after a minute to reassure you. He had a very nonchalant way of living and being you thought, he looked tired all the time. Silence filled the Great Hall and sun arose through the windows, reflecting on the goblets and the plates. It seemed like Professor Lupin didn't believe that nothing was going on between you and Cedric, but seriously, nothing was going on.

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