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'Stop it Cedric.' You spoke authoritatively.

    Glaring at you with boredom, Cedric was laying on your lap playing with the tip of the page of your book, which was held above his head while you read.

    'I am bored.' He said.

    'I am not.'

    You felt him move, he was now facing the fire before the couch you two were on. You reached the table next to you where a pile of books was standing as a tower. The crackling of the flames and the soft, warm orange light of the Common Room embraced you both. A few minutes later, as you came across a paragraph on Transfiguration, you heard Cedric's breath becoming slower and deeper. You looked down for a second and saw he had fell asleep; Only with him you could be this close, this secure and safe, and it felt good to be that one person for him too.

    You plunged in your book once more, ignoring the fact that you had read the same passage over and over.

    «Every wizard or witch who wishes to obtain the ability of transforming into an animagus, shall remember that it success results in their patience.»

    The O.W.Ls were approaching and though you would usually study them as hard as possible, you had took this afternoon to document yourself on how to become an animagus. You had decided to start the process this summer and to comeback at Hogwarts next year with the ability to change in whatever animal you were bound to become.

    But right now your mind was not there. Too much had happened in your life. Exams, Animagus,

    Every time somebody would come through the portrait-hole, you just hoped it wasn't either Fred or George. You three simply kept avoiding each other, mind you students and teachers were more than happy for at least you did not fight anymore. 

    A yawned escaped your mouth. The sleepless nights were to blame. Weeks after the Sirius Black incident you had not slept at all and couldn't concentrate anymore. You felt the atmosphere of the common room making you sleepy. Cedric little snores did not help. The words blurred themselves on your page, your arms felt week, you found the strength to close your book and to put it on your pile. As soon as you closed your eyes you saw strange, sad but horrendous glistening eyes. Sirius Black. You woke up instantly, tears appearing at the corner of your eyes. You were tired. So. Tired. Just one hour of sleep, it was all you asked for.

    Cedric rose from your lap, alerted by your sudden awakening. He noticed immediately your little, tiny tears. Without a word he pulled you on his chest and you two laid on the couch in an embrace that was made to be reassuring, intimate, warm. Close to him you felt safe. No one was there except you.

    'Sleep. I am there.'

    And you fell asleep. Easily. As easy as it always was with Cedric.


    George and Fred Weasley were both hidden behind a painting, waiting with evil smiles plastered on their faces, the venu of their next victim. It had been a while since the two of them had pulled a prank together, for there had been a slight argument between the two of them, a tacit argument that both young man had put behind them since the incident of Sirius Black now. The reason of that bickering, of that anger or more irritable feeling towards one another, was, and it didn't came as a surprise : Y/n. Fred had developed feelings for the girl they solemnly sweared to hate, leaving his brother the only one who felt resentment towards the girl. However what the boy did not know, was that his brother behind this anger against Y/n, behind that hatred of her, was carefully hidden (though it appeared obvious to the eyes of certain people such as Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Molly Weasley) a strong and unbreakable infatuation.

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