Declarations of War to reach the Top

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The day that followed the battle against the villains, the school was temporarily closed. Wukong, after having such a fun fight, couldn't stay still and instead went out to search for trouble. Sadly for him, not many criminals were worthy opponents, all those he had encountered that day were down for the count after one hit.
He returned less energetic than when he had left but he was still in a good mood.

Then the next day came and it was time to go back to school. As usual, he put on a good song he related to.

Wukong: "I never break down! Neeever gonna break down! I never get down! Neeever gonna get down! I never break down! Neeever gonna break down! I never get down~!"

This time, Sanzang walked with him but she was a bit salty the Monkey King didn't lend her one of his earphones, instead forced to listen to his "singing voice" which slowly made her regret ever wanting to walk by his side.

Once arrived she split off to go talk to the other girls, this didn't bother Wukong at all. He didn't even notice it, actually.


Iida: "Take your seats, everyone!!"

Seto: "You're the only one who's not in his seat."

The door opened and in came Aizawa, head still wrapped in bandages, which surprised the class: already back after all that? That was beyond pro!

Iida: "Sensei, you are all right!!" He raised his arm, now in his seat, as Aizawa tramped towards his desk with difficulty that was barely hidden.

Uraraka: "Can you really call that 'all right'...?" She was clearly worried.

Aizawa: "Don't concern yourselves over me. After all, the battle hasn't really ended for you yet."

Wukong & Bakugō: "Battle?" Intrigued.

Midoriya: "You don't mean..." Worried.

Mineta: "MORE VILLAINS!!?" Freaking out.

And with eyes dead serious, the teacher answered gravely...

Aizawa: "U.A.'s Sport Festival is coming up."


Wukong: "...normal school activity..." He smashed his head on his desk.

Class A: "Keep forgetting this is an actual school!!"

Wukong: "Despite it being called 'My Hero Academia'..."

After the excitement, worry arose as the thought that villains might want to infiltrate the festival but Aizawa reassured them it should be fine and the festival won't be cancelled.
The Sports Festival will be observed by the Top Heroes of the country to scout for promising sidekicks which would of course be a good thing for the students.

Kaminari: "I think I'll follow the tactic of becoming a sidekick for a pro hero's squad after graduating."

Jirō: "But there are a loads of people who get stuck as sidekicks forever and miss their chance to break out as solo heroes, and you seem just like that kind of dumbass, Kaminari." The electric boy scowled.

Aizawa: "Naturally, entering the squad of a famous hero will get you higher status and more experience. Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro hero, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is a chance you'll get only once a year for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a Hero, this is an event you can't overlook!"

Wukong lowly sighed.



On noonday break, everyone was pumped up, Uraraka more so than the others to the point of acting unlike her usual self.

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