trip day 2

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As we all were excited for the day we headed towards our room after breakfast to grab our essential items.

I got my airpods, sunscreen and some medicine with me.

Then we sat in our mini bus with a guide in it who was telling us about the scenery around us and its history.

I was sitting with Shanaya and the boys were sitting behind us.

I plugged in my airpods and turned on the music.

After sometime we reached to our destination and the guide was telling us about the palace and it's glory.

No one was interested in his lectures everyone was just clicking pictures and all.

There was a small gallery like structure. We went there.

Suddenly I felt someone pulled me from back.

I was about to scream but then he said.

" Hey baby it's me."

It was Ayaan

" You scared me."

" I'm sorry."

" What do you want."

" It's boring. Let's go somewhere else."

" But where."

" You ask too much questions."

" Ok. Fine. "

" That's like my good girl."

He pulled me towards the exit

Shanaya and himanshu were waiting for us there.

Then we all went to a cafe near us.

The vibe was aesthetic.

The wall were painted in white and lavender.

There were flowers at each and every corner.

The top had a huge chandelier

Pleasant music was playing.

Everything was just so beautiful and calm.

But I wasn't sure why I'm feeling strange.

Suddenly ayaan got a call .

He picked it up and went outside to talk.

I was sitting there .

After few minutes I saw him smiling and all happy.

" What's up"

" Nothing."

But there was surely something he was not telling.

Then we got a call from the professor that they were leaving to the next spot.

We went to the bus

Everything was just same.

At night we reached to the hotel.

Had our dinner.

I was about to go to my room but got a message from ayaan.

" Meet me at the back door alone ."


" Do what I say."

" Cool."

I rolled my eyes

"Let's go to our room." Shanaya said.

" I'm not sleepy. You should go and sleep. I will join you later."

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