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After having my dinner I went to our room to apologise him as I was fed up of this silent treatment.

I went inside the room and saw him sitting on the sofa working on his laptop. Sleeves rolled up till elbows, messy hair and tired eyes he looked handsome in this also.

I cleared my throat to let him know about my presence. But it didn't effected him a bit. He didn't even looked towards me and continued typing on his laptop.

I sighed and went to the bed started reading some magazine to divert my mind. But it was all concerned about him only. My eyes were looking at him only.

IDK why but he is affecting me so much.

" I'm sleepy." I said.

He stood up and started coming towards the bed.

He was now standing in front of the bed.

He tilted down towards me.

I knew he couldn't stay angry with me for a long time.

I giggled in my mind.

But he just grabbed a pillow and blanket and again headed towards the sofa.

" Are you not gonna sleep with me" I said with my puppy eyes.

He glanced at me once but again didn't utter even a single word.

" Ok fine. If you don't want to talk to me. Then I am also not dying for it." I stated angrily.

Even though I am.

Then he turned off the lights and slept .

What does he think of himself.

I lay down on the bed to relax a bit. But after twisting and turning for a good one hour. I wasn't able to sleep.

This is all because of him.

I was missing his touch and hugs. The way he puts his arm around me to show his authority.

Good. Very good. Just a few days and you are totally addicted to him...

This is all so complicated.

I sat on the bed and drank a glass of water.

Then looked towards his sleeping figure.

How can he sleep so peacefully.

Then a plan came to my mind.

" How long can you resist me my big husband. We will see that." I chuckled.

And then again tried to sleep after more twists and turns finally I was able to sleep.

I woke up in the morning through the chirping of birds and the sunlight peaking through our balcony.

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