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" Strip now" he demanded and I gulped down the anxiety.

" What " I said to confirm it.

" You heard me sweetheart. Don't make me repeat. It wouldn't be good for you "

My fingers reached the lace of the bra and I untied it in a second. I could feel my heartbeats.
It looked like my chest is gonna explode.

His stare intensed.

My hand was about to reach the panty but he pulled me in a swing and pinned me down on the bed.

" I will do it myself but wait I have something." He smiled mischievously.

And stood up from the bed. I was staring at him dumbly.

He came back with his tie and I was looking at him with curiosity.

He tied my hands up to the bed post.

I was feeling so helpless.

He started kissing my neck and slowly his finger reached downside.

He inserted his hand in my panty and I shivered. He started rubbing my clitoris.

I tried to free myself but it was of no use as I was tied up.

" You are so wet my wife" he said.

I hid my face in the pillow due to the embarrassment.

He inserted his middle finger inside me and started thrusting it slowly.

Firstly it felt weird but as soon as my body adjusted to it my core started throbbing.

He pulled out one of the lace but it got strangled

" Fuck it." He tore it with one hand.

I looked at him in disbelief.

" It was expensive Ayaan"

He chuckled.

" I will buy you the whole shop of lingerie sweetheart. Relax."

He started moving downside and stopped when his lips were just above it and inserted his tongue now.

I arched my back in pleasure.

"Ahhhhh ayaannnnnnn" I moaned.

" Daddy on the bed sweetie" as soon as those words slip out his mouth I got the flashbacks of my dream. But trust me in reality it feels much better.

His tongue was doing its magic and I started feeling something in my lower stomach.

He got my sensitive spot and started playing with it.
After sometime I couldn't hold the heat anymore.

" Ayaan I'm about to..." But he pulled out his tongue and my stomach flipped due to this incomplete orgasm.

" Not yet baby. Wait."

He again inserted his finger and started moving it in and out again.

Then he inserted his second finger.

" Fuckk " I cried.

" Doing it baby"

I can feel heat building up in my stomach again much more than the previous one.

As soon as he realised it he slowed down his pace and I was irritated by his silly games.

" Stop playing games ayaan."

" I'm not playing games babe. It is our first time and I want everything to be special."

" So this is your special huh"

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