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I woke up cuddling to him. He was holding me so tightly that I couldn't move nor did I want to. He sleeps like a small kid.
I can't decide whether he looks better in the formal fully dressed or like this shirtless and messy hair.
I think no one sees him like this except me.
He has given me that right
His dark brown hair were looking extremely sexy.
I think I like this ayaan more. The quiet and innocent one. But as soon as he woke up he was the devil again.
His plumpy lips were stained in dark pink and were swollen from last night's kissing. I don't know why but I want to kiss him again and again until we both are breathless. I want to taste him.
My thoughts were interrupted

" Staring someone when they are sleeping is not a good thing sweetheart." He said in his husky voice.

Even his voice is so sexy.

Fuck it Tamanna.

" I'm not."

He didn't say anything but collided his lips on mine.

As soon as our lips met I closed my eyes and all those flashbacks came in front of my eyes of last night.

My fingers started scratching his naked back.

Then he pulled away from my lips still hugging me.

" Good morning my Sunshine" he said with a grin on his lips

" Good morning mr. Husband."

"Call me that again "

" What mr. Raivansh."

" I said something sweetheart"

" What if I don't obey "

" Then I have my own ways sweetheart."

" I will call you that whenever I'm happy"

" So you are happy because I kissed you baby. I can kiss you every morning." He mumbled in my ears and pulled me deep in his hug.

" No "

" You won't admit that but I know you love staying close to me, my kisses, my hugs and everything."

" And how can you be so sure mr. Delusional."

" Because the wish was to cuddle with you whole night and you are still in my arms playing with my hair and if I kiss you again I know you won't protest."

" Try it."

His lips were about to meet mine but I turned my face sideways it made him laugh and with one swing I was pinned on the bed below him.

He caged my hands above my head with his one hand. While his other hand was placed on my neck chocking me lightly.

His grip became firm and authoritative.

" You are mine." He said and collided his lips on mine.

I tried my best to not respond to it. But it looks like my body follows his order more than mine.

I started kissing him back.

After sometime I can feel something hard between my thighs.

I looked down to see he is getting so hard for me.

It looked so big even in those sweatpants what would it feel inside me.

A wave of terror ran through me and I chocked.

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