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Paintbrush sighed as they walked down the streets on the 'bad part of town'. They no longer had any money left for food. They kicked a random rock in front of them out of frustration. They knew they shouldn't've gotten those chips. They should've got something that would last a while.

They heard their stomach grumble as they walked past another abandoned building. They're gonna have to sleep in the box again tonight. They looked at an abandoned store and saw a help wanted sign on it.

They immediately stopped in their tracks. Help wanted? Isn't this place closed? They thought it was a bit odd but wanted to check it out anyways. They only thing they owned was their phone so if they were gonna get jumped, at least there was basically nothing the robber could steal.

They slowly opened the door and walked in. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. They continued walking around the empty store before stepping on a loose floorboard.

It startled them quite a bit as they jumped back in shock. They realized what it was and composed themselves before removing the board. Under it was a bright red button.

Paintbrush looked at it confused before lightly tapping it, causing it to activate.. whatever it was related to. It did nothing at first and Paintbrush was convinced this was a prank before hearing a small ding on their left.

They looked over and saw a grey curtain covering a random spot on the wall. How did they not notice that before? They stood up and walked towards it. They moved the curtain out of the way to reveal an open elevator.

It was decorated in a bright blue and had fairy lights hanging on the walls, making it look nice but quite creepy. There was stains on the walls as well as a random drawing in the corner. Paintbrush cocked their eyebrow at the creepy elevator before slowly putting their foot in.

The elevator shook slightly from the weight but settled down after a few seconds. Paintbrush stepped fully in before seeing that it had no buttons..

As soon as they noticed that, the doors slammed shut as the elevator started going down extremely fast.

They fell on their knees from the impact. They groaned as the elevator stopped and dinged again. They opened their eyes to see a small hallway and a door at the end of it.

They stood up and rubbed their knees. That hurt a lot. They hear someone gasp from behind the door before they heard some stuff being moved. The door opened to see a lightbulb wearing a light blue cape.

"Oh good, I thought you were the cops." "T-The what?" "Never mind that, come in!" She grabbed their hand and dragged them through the door. She sat them on a couch near the entrance.

"So you're here for the job right?" "Yeah, I guess? I saw the sign on the window outside. I don't really know what this is but, um, I need money so yeah. You are gonna pay me, right?" "We can talk about payment later!"

"Uh okay." "So you're gonna be my sidekick, sound good?" "Wait wait wait, sidekick? Are you a hero or something?" "The opposite actually." "I-... wait, don't tell me.. YOU'RE the Lightbulb?!" "Uh yeah?"

Paintbrush immediately stood up and backed away. "Uhhh, on second thought I think I'll be okay without the job!" "Ugh, why do people always do that? I just want some help around here!" She exclaimed angrily, some electricity coming out of her hands.

"Even he did.." "Who?" "Nothing, but are you gonna leave?" They looked at her confused but realized my hand was on the door knob. "Uh-? Oh, uhhh, can I think about it?"

She looked a bit sad but sighed and said, "Okay, sure. You can sleep here if you want, you look like your haven't slept in one billion years!" "I-I can?! You'll let me?" "Yep, come with me!" She got up from the couch and went past a kitchen. She went down the stairs and lead them to the bottom.

Double Agent, Double the TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now