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"What? What do you mean? S-She's not a villain!" Paintbrush felt extremely nervous. Marshmallow can't know about this. She'd lecture them and would probably never speak to them again!

"Paintbrush, you need to believe! She's literally a villain! You cannot be walking around with a villain!" Paintbrush covered her mouth and sighed.

"Okay, I might have to tell you..." "Tell me what?!" Marshmallow asked, removing their hand from her face. "I'm.. actually working with her.."

"Yeah you mentioned that." "Yeah but like.. I was mostly lying then. I'm her sidekick." "...you're WHAT?!" Lightbulb jumped as she came up behind Paintbrush.

"Woah woah woah there S'mores! What's going on here?" "YOU'RE A VILLAIN?!" "Shhh! Keep your voice down!" Paintbrush said, covering her mouth once again.

"You told her??" Lightbulb whispered. "She was asking questions!" "Are you serious, Paintbrush?! I can't believe you're working for someone like her!"

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?!" "It means you're an idiot villain who's evil!" "Have you been that brainwashed! I'm really not that bad!" "Oh please! I know how people like you are!"

"Speak for yourself-" "Guys! Please stop fighting!" Paintbrush said, pushing them apart. "Just let me explain, Marsh! Please?"

Marshmallow crossed her arms. "I'm listening?" "I didn't plan on being her sidekick! It just kinda.. happened? I saw an ad on a window and didn't understand it was an 'evil' thing."

"Why would you agree to it even after you found out she's a villain!" "You're friend is very hurtful, Painty." Lightbulb sighed, leaning on the cart.

"Speak for yourself. Villains are hurtful." "I would never hurt anyone! That's the whole reason I made sure no one was at the bank before robbing it!"

"YOU ROBBED A BA-" "Guys! If you guys are gonna continue to fight, then maybe me and Lightbulb should leave.." "Yeah, maybe you guys should."

Paintbrush sighed and grabbed Lightbulb's arm. They walked out of the store as Lightbulb groaned. "Ugggghhhhh! Now we have post pone the prank!"

"I think that's the least of our worries right now.." "Yeah yeah, I get it." She said, pulling her arm away. "We should probably go to a different store. I really need to have all the stuff for the prank as soon as possible."

"Why are so pressed about doing this prank thing?" "Listen Painty, in a new days, Steve Cobs is gonna have a party for his new phone thingy soon and it's gonna be at the city hall."

"Uh.. yeah I know that, why are you telling me this?" "I already told you the paint was to put on the city hall, soooo I basically wanna interrupt his party with it."

Paintbrush immediately felt uneasy. "Lightbulb that's a terrible idea." "Aye! You're the sidekick! You're supposed to go along with my ideas no matter how 'stupid' or 'terrible' they are."

"But-" "No buts, no cuts, no coconuts! Now get in the car." Lightbulb sat in the driver's seat and started up the car. Paintbrush just sighed and sat next to her in the passenger seat.

"Alright, wanna go to Target?"


"Knife, we can't keep getting calls about you, buddy." Balloon said, opening his cell door.

This was the fourth time this week Knife had spent the night in jail. He kept on trespassing and then the police were called- it was starting to become a routine at this point.

"I know, I'll work on it." "That's what you said last time. And the time before that. And the time before that.."

"It's kinda of enjoyable to watch. He's always talking about that weird blue person he keeps on seeing. It's like he's insane." Nickel said, snickering. "No it's not- it's actually more sad if anything."

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