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Paintbrush sat in the bathroom with their cape off. Lightbulb said she would come in there and help them with their bristles.

It's been 15 minutes since they came in here. Maybe they should just- "Painty~!! Are you ready?" Lightbulb sung as she busted the door open.

"More scared if anything." "Chill-axxx!! I'll be gentle, I promise!" She said, swiftly closing the door. "Now get in the bathtub."

Paintbrush stood up and stepped into the tub. "Oh, be-tee-dubs, imma need you to spend some days with Testy after we pull our prank."

"Uh, why?" They asked as Lightbulb turned on the water and waited for the tub to fill up. "'Cause we can't have her thinking you're working with me silly!"

Paintbrush just rolled their eyes. "Have you ever cleaned hair before?" "No- but how hard can it be??" They flinched as they felt Lightbulb get in the tub behind them.

"Are you okay with water being dumped on you?" Lightbulb asked. Paintbrush simply just shrugged. "Uh, I guess?? Why are you asking?"

"I have a bucket." "..Is it big?" "Depends!" Paintbrush looked behind and saw a bucket you would usually bring to the beach in Lightbulb's hands.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine with that." Lightbulb scooped up some water and dumped it over Paintbrush's head.

"Hmmm, I feel like this would be easier if I was standing.." "Ya think??" Paintbrush asked sarcastically with their eyes closed, trying not to get paint in their eyes.

Lightbulb stood up and put soap in Paintbrush's bristles and started rubbing it together. "See, Painty? I'm a pro at this!!"

They rolled their eyes and nodded. They felt themselves slightly smile as they felt Lightbulb's warm hands mess through their bristles.

Their hands were always cold so it felt weird to have warm hands wash their hair. The heat must've started spreading because their face was now hot as well.

"..Can I braid your hair?" "What? Why?" "'Cause it's fun to play with!!" Lightbulb positioned one of her hands onto torso and sat back down right behind Paintbrush.

"What are you doing?" Paintbrush asked, not paying attention to the warmth they felt all over their back.

"I figured it'd be weird if I just washed one part of you so imma do your whole body." "Wh- I can do that myself!!"

"I'm already in here, Paintster, fighting it isn't gonna make this any better. And I always get what I want." They grumbled but allowed her to.

At least they'll be clean for once. Lightbulb rubbed the soap into Paintbrush's back and slightly hummed a tune.

'This is so weird' Were the words that were going through their head. Why was she washing any part of them to begin with?

Why kind of superhero or super villain washes their sidekick?? That's the weirdest thing ever. But here Paintbrush was, getting a bath from Lightbulb.

They totally weren't freaking out or anything for what ever reason. Definitely not. "..Can't your plug get electrocuted in the water?" They asked, distracting themselves

"Well, I'm sticking it out of the water so we should be fine!" "I hope so.." Lightbulb stood up again to clean Paintbrush's metal band.

"How can you get this dirty, Painty?" "I was homeless for like 4 months, Lightbulb, the dirt adds up." Lightbulb rolled her eyes playfully.

"Still! You could've washed in a lake or somethin'! You're gonna turn the water brown! N-Not that brown is a bad color.." Paintbrush chuckled lightly.

Double Agent, Double the TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now