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Paintbrush jumped up as Lightbulb slammed their room's door open. They were trying to get some much needed rest, but I guess that would have to wait..

"PAINTBRUSH!!" "What?" "WE NEED TO GO TO THE CITY HALL NOW!" Lightbulb grabbed Paintbrush's wrist and made them stand up.

"What? Why? I thought the celebration wasn't happening until 2 days from now." "But they're doing prep right now and I wanna make some small pranks on the people there so that they're waiting for us to do our big grand finale!"

"..But won't that mean that people will eventually catch onto your patterns and stop you from doing these pranks?" They asked, tying their cape around their neck.

"Uh, no. That's dumb. Go wake up the others!" Paintbrush sighed. This was going to be a long day, wasn't it?


"Are you actually going to explain what we're doing here you twit?" Taco said, crossing her arms. "We're going to use these buckets of paint to decorate parts of the city hall!"

"Uh, but why?" Microphone asked, playing with her hands a little. "Painty, you didn't tell them about the plan?"

"You said we were in a hurry!" Lightbulb sighed and crossed her arms. "We're just doing this so our bigger prank will be more cool. If you want more questions, ask Painty!"

"Wait actually, I had a question about-" "Let's start!" Lightbulb took out the hover board she brought and pulled her and Paintbrush onto it.

"Since when did she have those?" Microphone asked to Taco who just shrugged and rolled her eyes. "You guys can travel on the ground since I'm wanted in 39 states! Meet back here in 20!"

Lightbulb and Paintbrush flew on top of the building with about 6 buckets of paint. "So, how are we doing this? Are we just splashing them onto the roof or..?"

"Nah, that's what group B is doin'! We're group A so that means we get to do things smarter and better than them!" "So what are we doing?"

"Imma use you as an actual paintbrush to spread more of the paint!" "WHAT?! No, no no no no no! There is no WAY I'm doing that." Paintbrush said, backing up a little.

"Ugh, why noootttt??" "Because I like to keep my bristles clean." Lightbulb face palmed. "I can help you clean 'em after!! Right now, we have important villainy work to do!"

Paintbrush looked at her suspiciously. "Are you sure you're actually gonna help me clean my bristles?" "I swear on my dad's life! Wait, I hate my dad-"

Paintbrush sighed and reluctantly agreed. "Okay, fine, you can use them.." "Omga! Yay! Thank you, Paintster!" "Yeah sure.."

Lightbulb popped open the bucket and swiftly picked Paintbrush up. "Wowie, you're surprisingly light!" "Just get it over with.." "Kay!"

Lightbulb dipped their hair in the blue paint and started painting the roof. "Hey!" Lightbulb looked down and saw a cop at the bottom of the building.

She pulled out a gun and shot the cop. "DID YOU JUST KILL HIM??" Paintbrush asked, spitting out paint from their mouth.

"Of course not! It's a temporary tantalizer! I took it from Testy's base when I was there. The cop should be knocked out for an hour or two." "Wh.. WHY??"

"'Cause it comes in handy! Now shush before more of the po po come!" Lightbulb said as she painted the roof.


Taco and Mic cut through the small crowd of people as they reached the front. "Uh, what did Lightbulb say to do exactly?"

"Just to 'around the paint around in random spots' or something. She's too obnoxious to keep up with." Taco said, sighing.

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