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Paintbrush read over Lightbulb's texts again. It was the next day and Paintbrush was supposed to go to Test Tube's base and act like they were helping or something like that.

They didn't really want to though. Everything had become really stressful during these last couple days.

They considered calling Marshmallow but Paintbrush wasn't sure if they were on good enough terms for that.

They decided to just try anyway. They sat up and clicked Marsh's contact and put their phone up to their 'ear'.


Paintbrush blinked, not really expecting her to pick up at all, let alone so soon.

"Uh haha.. hey Marsh-"

"What do you want, Paintbrush?"

"Damn- why so snarky?"

"I don't know, maybe it has to do with the fact that I just found out my best friend is working for a villain."

"Marsh.. it's way more complicated than that!"

"Then explain it to me. I'm waiting."

"I didn't mean to find her base. It just kinda happened like that?? And she just seemed so lonely and I felt bad saying no.."

"So she guilt tripped you?"


"Sorry whatever. Just- please be careful Paintbrush. I have a bad feeling about her."

"I'll be okay, I promise."

Paintbrush could feel Marshmallow's nervousness through the phone and frowned a little.

"Look uh, how about I come visit you at the mansion? I've been dying to see it."

"I guess that could work.. Thanks."

"I'll call you later Marsh."

"Bye Paintbrush."

Paintbrush hung up the phone and smiled to themselves. That made them feel.. a bit better.


"Who was that?" Marshmallow whipped her head around and saw Apple standing behind her with a smile on her face.

"Oh, that was just Paintbrush." "I thought you two were in a fight." "Well, not anymore. Paintbrush might even come over soon." Marsh said, smiling softly at her partner.

"Kay! Are we gonna tell them about the-" Apple interrupted herself, looking around before continuing her sentence. "The G-H-O-S-T-S?"

"Apps, for the last time we don't have any ghosts." "B-But I saw them! In the mirror!" "Yeah at 3 am. While you were sleep walking."

Apple grumbled and crossed her arms. "I know what I saw.." Marshmallow patted her on the shoulder. "Let's go get something to eat okay?"



Paintbrush fidgeted with their fingers as they made the walk to Test Tube's base. They'd be lying if they said they weren't nervous.

They weren't really sure what to expect from her but figured that they could just go along with it. They had brought their scarf with them too since it would be a bit suspicious if they had a cape.

And because Test Tube said it looked nice but that's irrelevant.

It was drizzling slightly, making Paintbrush's bristles a little wet. Of course today's the day they forget to check the forecast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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