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Paintbrush made it back to Lightbulb's base at 7:46. They got a bit distracted thinking about all of the stuff that happened today and got lost it the forest. It took them about an hour to make it back to the store.

While they were walking back, they saw a red.. fan? Yeah, a fan. They saw a red fan running in the direction they had came from as well as a bomb? Odd, they decided not to question it.

Paintbrush never liked getting into conflict.

They fell to their knees once again as the elevator went down. Why the fuck is that so strong? They stood up while it stopped. The doors opened to see Lightbulb standing in front of it.

She looked quite shocked to see them. They could sense a little anger coming from her. She stared at them for a while before crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrow. "What took you so long?!"

"Uhhh I kinda- got lost." "How'd you get lost if you have a map? Did you lose it?!" Shit, they forgot they had that. "Uh I-I have it but I forgot I had it.." They took the map out and handed it to her. She grabbed it immediately and glared at them.

"We're starting training tomorrow." "Wh- Training?!" "Mhm, I was gonna wait until next week 'cause I was too tired too but you decided you wanted to 'get lost' and 'forget you had the map'." "I-I really did forget!" She looked at them disappointed.

"You have a long way to go until you can be a villain."


Paintbrush laid down in their bed annoyed at themselves. They just met Lightbulb and they were already scared of disappointing her. It reminded them of when their- no, no. They can't go to those thoughts, not right now.

They stared at the ceiling as they heard their door creak open. They quickly sat up and saw Lightbulb standing there with a jar of peppermints. These were the red and white ones which had a hard shell but dissolved quickly once biting into them.

They were both of the pairs' favorite. Of course, they didn't know that about each other yet.

"Hey.." Lightbulb said, slowly shutting the door behind her. "Hi." She sat next to them on their bed and put the jar in between them. "I.. realized you felt bad earlier and I didn't like knowing that I was the cause of it so.. I started eating these."

She took one out and removed the wrapper. "They make me feel better. Other people have comfort foods and stuff while I have comfort candy." She slightly giggled. She popped the mint in her mouth before grabbing another one and handing it to Paintbrush.

They mumbled a small thanks before unwrapping it and eating it as well. They sat in silence for a while before Lightbulb interrupting it. "I'm sorry." "Huh? For what?"

"I think I was a little too hard on you. It's just- I've planned this out for a while and I just want to get it done immediately instead of waiting for.. forever until it's done. I'm not good with waiting. Especially since.. I-I just don't like it, okay?"

"That's understandable. Is there, uh, anything I could do you make you feel less.. y'know.." "Can we just.. talk? I don't like it being quiet. That's like, half of the reason I wanted a sidekick." "Okay, sure." Paintbrush smiled at Lightbulb before they began to speak.

They spend most of the night talking about their childhoods and how they got into the situations they're in, as well as a bunch of other random stuff. They ate almost all the mints during this time. They both agreed for Paintbrush to buy more the next day.

Paintbrush noticed how much more happy and excited Lightbulb got when they continued talking. They almost forgot she was a villain. She seemed so much more nice than people think she is.

Double Agent, Double the TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now