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Lightbulb hated the woods. That was part of the reason she made Paintbrush go into them. She activated her super speed and ran deep into the woods.

She quickly stopped herself before slamming into a wall. She looked up and saw that it was Test Tube's base.

Finally, she found it. Does Testy even have any windows? She went around the base and walked for a while. She stopped when she saw a window.

Lightbulb crouched down and looked through it. She softly gasped when she saw her. How is she still not over her ex yet? What is she even doing here?

She tried to listen to what they were saying but she couldn't hear anything. Maybe if she....

She slowly opened the window. "Okay, you're first. I just need you to punch this dummy. I only have two at the moment due to.. technically difficulties but just give it your best shot."

Ugh, this is kinda boring. Lightbulb doesn't even know what she's doing here. She started to zone out when she heard someone say something else. "We definitely need to work on that.. okay now you."

The bomb cracked his knuckles and took a swing at the other dummy. His hand went fully through it and knocked it to the ground.

Wow that dude's strong. I didn't know people could do that. Orrr, maybe he has super strength or something.

"Jesus christ! That was-" "You guys can go now." "Oh- Are we not staying he-" "No. I already had this talk today, you can't stay here because I don't know you guys well enough. Plus, you seem like an obsessed fan."

Well that's rude of them. Lightbulb moved closer to get a better look. She just needed to be carefu-

Her hand slipped. Shit.

"M-Me? Oh- I'm not tha-" "She m-m-made her own poster of y-you and has one of O-OJ." "BOMB STOP! THAT'S SO EMBARRASSIN-"

Lightbulb fell onto a table and groaned. She felt her head. Nothing's broken, good. "LIGHTBULB?!?"

Lightbulb looked up and saw him. "Heh, hi Fan.. long time no see.." "How did you even get here?!"

"Why are you trespassing on my property, villain?" Test Tube said, walking up to the awkward bulb. "Uh- wh- none of your business!" She said, quickly standing up.

"W-W-What is happening?" Bomb asked. "This villain just broke into my base." "For good reason!" Lightbulb said, crossing her arms.

"Then what is it?" "Uhhhhhhhh- spying.." Test Tube sighed and grabbed Lightbulb's arm. "I'm turning you in." "What?!" Lightbulb and Fan yelled.

"Woah woah there Testy! I don't think you should do this!" Lightbulb said, freaking out. "Y-Yeah uh- Test Tube, I know her. She probably just wanted to see me." Fan said.

"Y-Yeah! That's why!" "It doesn't matter. She's a villain a deserves to be locked up." Test Tube stood firm and started to bring her out the room until she got shocked.

She fell to the ground on her knees and leaded against the wall. "DID YOU JUST SHOCK HER?!" Fan yelled. "IT HAPPENS WHEN I GET NERVOUS- YOU KNOW THIS!"

Fan sighed and looked towards Bomb. "What are we supposed to do?" "M-Maybe just wait until s-s-she wakes up?"

"I'm really sorry- I-I should go.." Lightbulb backed up and bummed into a wall before quickly leaving the room. "Wait." Fan grabbed her arm.

"Maybe we should talk.."


"So, why did you come here?" Fan asked, sitting down in a random room he had found in the lab. "I just... wanted to see you again. I don't think I'm over it yet."

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