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Jungkook's POV :

I had taken my wife Minahh, for the checkup when I first saw Taehyung. The moment I saw him, I wanted him. It was my childishness and also an obsession. I wanted to own him, have him and devour him. I just saw his beautiful and pretty self and got obsessed with him. I was so desperate to have him that it costed so much to me. I shouted at Minahh in the hospital cabin itself. I hated the baby. I just wanted to kill Minahh because I was just obsessed. Obsession is something which if gets in your head can destroy everything and my obsession became Taehyung which led me to destroy whatever came in my way of having him.

I started shouting at Minahh and was hating my child. My obsession made me make Bogum's life hell by making him loose his job. But to prove my point, he was going to take my Tae away from me. So it's fair I think.

I made plan to be around Tae continuously and thanks to my handsome face. Tae fell for me. In the start, it was just Tae's beautiful body and face for me. But, Tae embraced me. He made me fall for him. Harder. He made me accept myself who had a child trapped inside his body. He helped me to let out my that child who lost his mother's embrace and father's love at very young age. My obsession turned into love because of him. His innocence, his caring nature, everything made me fall for him. And Tae is not hard to love. Anyone can fall for his charm.

I was wrong at first but I started to know my more sides which opens only when I'm with Tae. Minahh was my first love. She was there for me through thick and thin but there was a secret. A dark secret. And some secrets are meant to keep hidden.

I was someone who had loads of responsibility at a very young age. Minahh came like a light in my life. I started loving her. After her parents death, she became close to me. We became a couple.

But, during my 18th birthday, I found something which was buried deep in my heart forever. But my dumb self, forgave her and believed her. Because I was completely dependent on her. What does a man require? Love? She gave me that. And I being a greedy fool who lacked love immediately accepted her. And what does a man require? Sex? She gave me that. I was in love with her. Truly. Sex was good with her, which made me accept everything with closed eyes. What would've happened if I would've left her after that? Nothing. My life would've become lone again. With no-one.

I was so much trapped in loneliness that being alone scared me too shit. It would make me insane, so to escape from that loneliness, I got dependant on Minahh.

As I grew up, I started to see things but I accepted the false fact that Minahh loves me. So I kept on with that illusion. But when I met Taehyung, his love-filled gaze, his care for me- everything made me fall in love with him. I realized Minahh never did that. I knew Minahh– she loves luxurious clothes, branded things. She wanted dates at five-star restaurants.

But my Taehyung– he is different. I made strawberry milk for him and he was squealing like a baby he is. I took him to lavender field date and he was the happiest. I made mistakes- alot. But he forgave me. He loved me even when I acted like an asshole. To make him forgive me, I gifted him flowers and food, he was the happiest then. I realized, love is not a materialistic thing. It is an intimate bond between lovers which can be only felt. And with Tae I felt that.

Taehyung's love for children. His dream to have a child, made me fall in love with my child too. I agree that I didn't wanted the child, but Tae made me love children. I got connected and bonded to my child in Minahh's womb.

It's not always what it looks like. For people, my relationship with Minahh was perfect. We were a perfect couple. But- I was breaking inside. I was craving for real love which I didn't recieved from her and which I got from Taehyung. Taehyung became anchor in my storm like life. He motivated me without saying anything. His one love-filled gaze and I feel like dancing. His one cute pout, makes my heart beat like crazy. His one smile, radiates my day. His one kiss makes me feel alive.

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