Chapter 1

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Eleven years later

"Let em' out!" I yell up at the new guy. My raptors wiggle anxiously in their cages.

"Are you crazy! They'll kill you!" The new guy screams making his voice rise a few octaves.

I roll my eyes. "Trust me man I've been working with these animals for years so do as you're told and let them out."

The loud beep sounds through the enclosure signaling that people shouldn't be inside. Four figures step out of their respective cages. Bright yellow eyes clash with my green ones. My muscles tense in preparation for a possible attack. The four raptors stare at me. I smirk at the leader.

"Hello Blue."

Blue rushes toward me the faint gasp of the guy can be heard above me. The feeling of Blue's head can be felt against my chest as she nuzzles against me. My hands reach up and stroke her head. She makes a purring noise in the back of her throat. A small whimper comes from the other three.

As all other mornings I proceed with our ritual. "Good morning Delta, Charlie, and Echo."

Given the cue the others rush toward me copying their Beta. I laugh as Blue glares at her siblings. We are currently standing in the small part of the enclosure which can be opened up into the main enclosure. I look up at the new guy who stares at me with wide eyes and tell him to open the door to the main part. Once the door is open the raptors look at it longingly before looking at me for permission.

I smile at my four raptors. "Run!" I yell and motion for them to go.

Immediately they take off at sixty miles an hour into their enclosure.

"Alright close the door." I say and turn towards the exit. And there standing in the way is my father.

"Hi dad."

"You know I don't like you coming out here in the morning like that." He scolds me.

"Dad, I've been doing this for eleven years now. I think I know what I'm doing."

"It's not that I don't think that you don't know what you're doing because I do. I just don't like you being so reckless with them. You let your guard down with them making you vulnerable to an attack." Worry glints in his eyes.

I walk up to him and pat his shoulder. "I think you're just jealous that they like me more than you." I joke.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me away. "In your dreams. Shouldn't you be doing schoolwork?"

I groan. "Dad... what's the point of school if I already have a job I love?"

"To get an education just in case this doesn't last forever now go home before our guests arrive and you won't be able to leave." He pushes me towards my quad.

I try to resist him. "What guests?"

"That jackass Hoskins."

"What? Why the hell is he coming?"

"I guess I'll find out when he gets here. He wants to see the raptors do some drills. probably wants to see if we can use them as fucking weapons." We approach my vehicle.

"That dumbass! You can't control animals like that and make them into weapons. It's impossible."

"I know and I'll handle it now go get edumacated." He starts my quad for me.

"I think you need some extra education yourself father." I giggle and speed towards home.

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