Chapter 4

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My dad has been arguing with the guard who is in charge of weapons in the control sector. Apparently we are not cleared to have weapons right now. Out of all times not to be cleared the one time is when a dangerous monster is running around the park.


I turn and see her flaming red hair bobbing through the crowd. I roll my eyes and reach out and grab her arm as she trips. "What do you want Claire?" I ask in a bored tone.

"You've got to help me." Her breath comes out in pants.

"Oh so now you want our help."

My dad walks over with a concerned look on his face. "Claire? What's wrong?"

"My nephews. They're in the valley!" She looks on the verge of a mental breakdown.

I look at her wide eyed. "What!"

"Please! I have to get them back!"

"Ok ok how old are they?" My dad asks.

"Well one is like this," She gestures a little above my head, "He's like in high school and the other is um." She moves her hand down.

My dad raises an eyebrow at her. "You don't know how old your nephews are?"

I laugh at her puzzled expression and push her towards the weapons room. "Give us clearance to the weapons room."

We grab the weapons we need and head outside. I turn towards my dad. "I'll take the bike you go with Claire in the car."

I know he wants to argue but he knows it's the fastest way to find the boys. We drive out to the fields that hold all of the herbivores or gentle giants. There's a thickened silence that stretches over the valley. All of a sudden a large grey figure blocks our path. The brachiosaurus is down on it's side with large claw marks down its side. Blood seeps through the wounds. I quickly shut my bike off and run to the animal's head. She looks at me and I feel like my heart will break. Fear gleams in her eyes along with pain. I gently stroke her head in an attempt to calm her down. My dad kneels beside me. His hands place themselves on top of mine. I whisper to her that it's ok. Claire wobbles over causing the dinosaur to try and lift her head. I place my hand below her head for support.

"Shhh it's alright big girl." I whisper.

Claire kneels down and gently pets her. A lone tear slips down her face as the life slowly slips out of the graceful animal. I set her head down and go over to my dad who is standing at the top of a hill. A gasp leaves me at the sight. Dinosaurs of all kinds lie dead across the valley.

"She didn't eat them." My dad states. "She's hunting for sport."

"We need to find those boys." I head toward my bike. "What are their names Claire?"

"Zach and Gray."

I nod and head straight ahead while Claire and my dad go into the woods. Keeping an eye out for the both the Indominus and the boys I find myself at a waterfall. My gun at the ready I go to the edge of the pond. Marks in the mud tell me that two people drug themselves out. I hear movement at the top of the water fall. Out of instinct I point my gun in the direction of the noise. Having a father in the Navy means I am also trained and well equipped for a fight. Claire and my dad come out of the bushes unsurprisingly fighting as she tries to yell Zach and Gray's name. I relax and watch the entertaining show. After awhile I grow annoyed and whistle up to my dad. He looks over and sees me with a raised eyebrow causing his eyes to widen.

"They jumped and crawled out here." I yell up. To avoid anymore loud noises I point in the direction of the old park. He nods and points in the other direction. I grab my radio and test it to confirm it works and it does when I hear his voice flow through it.

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