Chapter 3

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"There is an asset out of containment!"

What? How is that possible? We've never had this happen before.

"Claire what are you talking about?" Lowery's voice travels through the house.

"The Indominus Rex has escaped! I need you to activate her tracking device!" Claire screams.

"She hasn't escaped Claire."


"Claire she's still in the enclosure."

"Tell them to get out! Get them out now!"

Get out? Whose in there? Oh god.

I hear my dad yell and then muffled screams flood my ears.

"Dad!" I scream before running outside to his bike. Starting it up I speed towards control. I push through tourists and hit the elevator button to the top. Once I'm in a big security guard holds me back but I push him away and head towards her red hair.

"Claire! Where is he?!" I yell at the flustered woman. The faint yelling of the guard floods through my ears but I'm only focused on the woman I front of me.

She stutters over her words. "I-I don't know."

"You sent him in there! Why would you do that when a deadly animal was in there?!" I'm creating a scene but I don't care.

"There were no heat signatures. I didn't know she was in there. We thought she climbed out."

"What? That's impossible." I turn towards Mr. Masrani, "What is that dinosaur made out of?"

"I don't know." He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Well I would ask the lab because that thing is dangerous."

"Maya?" His voice fills every part of my body with relief. I turn around and see him standing there with a worried expression.

"Dad!" I yell and rush toward him. A sob racks my body as his arms wrap around me. "I thought you were dead!" When I take a breath my lungs fill with the smell of gasoline. "Why do you smell like gas?"

"I'll explain later ok?" He looks at Claire. "You need to evacuate the park."

She shakes her head in denial. "No we can send in the Asset Containment Unit. They'll solve the problem."

"No they won't. That thing will kill them in an instant. She is seeing all of this for the first time and is trying to find her place in the food chain. Let's hope she doesn't because then we'll all be in danger."

"If you're not here to help them I suggest you leave!" Claire yells at the both of us.

I want to scream and yell at her ignorance but my dad pulls me towards the elevator. The doors close and we head downstairs.

The silence was deafening. "How could she be so stupid!" I yell.

"Maya." He warns.

"People are going to die dad."

"I know and I'm going to try and stop it."

"We." I add.


"We are going to try and stop it."

"No." He says curtly and in the I'm not going to argue with you. But, I'm the arguing type.

"Yes and you don't have a choice I'm legally an adult now and can make my own decisions."

"Maya." He sighs in frustration.

"Dad." I mock.

"You're a pain in my ass."

"Just like you my dear father." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"We need to get some weapons first."

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