tmnt ❝random drabbles w/ kris & raph. ❞ - oc x raphael hamato

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- She cannot cook or bake to save her life. It doesn't matter if she's following a recipe EXACTLY, for some reason it never turns out. She swears she's cursed because anything she cooks/bakes tastes like hot garbage. She tried cooking something for Raph once, and he did his best to make it believable that it tasted good. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, it took everything in him not to gag. But he couldn't break her heart, she was starring at him all hopeful with her big brown doe eyes— she ended up giving him food poisoning and rubbed his shell the remainder of the night as he stuck close to the toilet. Raph's brothers refuse to try anything she makes after that, haunted with the scene from that night.

- Besides speaking English and Egyptian, among a few other ancient languages, she also speaks fluent Danish. Due to her parents both being Danish!

- Met Raph when she was 12 and he was 11. Their was a street party going on that she and her family were invited to. The bebe turts had been roaming the sewers in a game of hide and seek tag at the time. They heard loud music and laughter and smelt amazing food, so being naturally curious they had to take a peek (they watched from the sewers, so they wouldn't get caught). Little Kristina had just won a prize, which was a new set of marbles. (Little dork thought they were really cool ^-^). She was playing with them when some bully bitch kids snatched them up and threw them everywhere, forcing a couple to fall down into the sewers. Kris ran around, trying to find as many as she could, she was sniffling and trying her hardest not to cry. Raph who had seen the whole ordeal, and being the big softie he is, grabbed the marbles that fell down and hesitantly "psst" to get her attention. Kristina who was kneeling down by the drain opening, looked at the darkness in confusion. It took some courage but Raph was able to give her marbles back to her. Kristina gasped at the sight of his little green hand, but instead of running away and screaming, she asked a bunch of questions. She stayed there the remainder of the night, talking with Raph and his brother's. It wasn't till her parents came to collect her that she had to leave. But before she did, she asked if they could meet her there again tomorrow. This became a routine of theirs and a couple months later, Kristina found herself sneaking into the sewers to meet her mutant friends.

- Started dating Raphael when they were 17/18. He was in heavy denial about his feelings for the longest time. When he finally "realized" that he liked her, he ended up just blurting it out, being unable to keep it to himself. Kris, who wasn't in denial, simply smiled and exclaimed that she felt the same way. She had been reading a book at the time, and had dropped it in her lap in surprise from his sudden confession. Raph thought her expression of pure adoration was the cutest thing in the world. They've been together ever since. They were together for a couple years before Raph proposed, they were married the same year. They got married around 20/21, (Kris being 21, Raph being 20) which is pretty young but they didn't see a point in waiting. They knew they were going to be together and they didn't think waiting a couple years before tying the knot would make much of a difference. So they got married as quickly as possible. ^^ And a few years later when Kris is 27 and Raph is 26, they find out she's pregnant with twins! (Monet and Nefertiri!) Which wasn't planned at all— they didn't know if it would be even possible to have biological kids together, but their plan was to always have children sometime in their 30s once they had their lives figured out. This was mainly for Kris since she would be in college for a few years and  trying to get into work for the next, she wanted them to be settled properly before they tossed babies into the mix, which require a lot of money and time. And being responsible, she figured it would just be better for them to try and conceive or adopt later on. Things worked out in the end tho lol.

- When meeting both of her parents for the first time, Raphael nearly shit himself. Her mother, Lorie, walked in wearing her work uniform, guns (both her arms and the weapon) on display. She also made it very clear, multiple times, that if he ever dare hurt her daughter, she would shove a shotgun up his ass and pull the trigger. Kristina insisted that she was just joking, but even she knew Lorie was dead serious. Despite the rough tension in the beginning, by the end of the night Lorie challenged Raph to a arm wrestling battle and Kris and her pops sat on the side lines drinking coffee by the gallons because they knew it was going to be a long night. They're best buds now. :D

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