transformers (any version) "you look better in yellow" - oc x bumblebee

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Third Person Point Of View. 

Samantha leaned against one of the walls on the abandoned factory she was currently at. Her blonde hair blew in the wind as she pulled her sweater closer to her body. She sighed and pulled out her phone from one of her pockets, checking the time. She was just about to leave when she heard an engine. She crossed her arms over her chest as bright headlights flashed in her face, the vehicle stopping in front of her. Samantha rose a brow, looking rather pissed off.

"Hey, Sam.." The lights shut off to reveal a yellow camaro with black racing stripes.

Samantha remained silent for a moment she then walked over to the car door and opened it, sliding inside for a moment, "Hey Bee?"


"You see this thing, right here." She jabs her index finger on the radio, showing the time.


"And what are those numbers in the corner?"

"The time?"

"So the genius can read." Sam spoke, nodding her head.

Bumblebee chuckled, "You're mad because i'm late."

"Like I said, genius." She muttered, crossing her arms once again.

"I'm sorry Sammy, something came up, I had to chase down a Decepticon. Sadly, he got away." Bee spoke, he seemed kinda angry, though not at her, but maybe himself.

Samantha's gaze softened, she sighed and placed her hand on the dashboard, giving it a small rub. "I'm sure you did everything you could, we're not gonna win every battle."

"I could've done better.. Don't worry.. I'll get him.." he sighed, "Anyways, how was work?"

Samantha rubbed her face, and tilted her head back a little. Making Bee laugh, "That bad?"

"It was stressful, that's for sure. People can be such jerks." She mumbled. "What about you, besides the Decepticon thing, how was your day?"

"Boring. Very very boring, nothing happened really."

She nodded, "Hmm... what do you wanna do?" She asked, leaning back in the leather seat a bit.

"I'm not sure.. Wanna go for a drive?"

Sam nodded as Bee backed up and began to drive around, she sighed, it wasn't that late yet, it was 3:00 P.M, so it was still light out, Bee activated his holoform because Samantha didn't want to 'drive' or look like she was, she just wanted to look out the window. Bee looked over at her and smiled a bit, his hands were clutched onto the steering wheel.

Bee clicked on the radio and flipped through the channels, "Oh, go back." She said, sitting up and looking over at him with a smile.

Bee chuckled and did as told, putting on one of Sam's favorite songs. She smiled and lip sang to the lyrics, possibly whispering them softly to herself.

"Come on Sammy, let me hear your voice,"

Sam looked over at him with a blush on her cheeks, "W-Why?"

Bee grinned, "Because I like it."

She sucked in a breath and slowly started to sing along with the lyrics, at first she was more quiet, but as she became more confident and slowly had forgotten that Bee was listening to her, she became louder.

Bumblebee held back any talking or chuckling, though he wanted to, he wasn't making fun of her, he actually thought she was a pretty good singer, but she was just so cute, the little faces she would make, and how she would dance in her chair. He thought she looked absolutely adorable. He just couldn't hold it in any longer, he let out a soft chuckle, which caught her attention, she grinned over at him, though she didn't say anything, just kept on singing. Bumblebee chuckled and rested his hand on her knee. Once the song was over, Samantha pouted which made Bee laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked, grinning softly.

"Nothing.." Bee grinned widely.

She pouted, poking out her bottom lip, "C'mon! Tell me!" She poked his side.

"You're just so adorable." He blushed a bit and looked over at her slowly.

Samantha blushed and giggled, she poked his side again, "Awe, thanks baby."

Bumblebee chuckled and rolled his eyes, looking back at the rode. Sam got an idea, it was exactly evil, but Bee was gonna get a little annoyed. So maybe a little evil, she grabbed something from the compartment in front of her and placed a disk into the radio, she passed a few songs, searching for a specific one, once she got to it, she grinned evilly and looked over at her boyfriend.

Bumblebee gave her a look, he quirked his brow and once he heard the song he frowned and shook his head, "No.. Come on.." He muttered, trying not to grin as she began to sing to the lyrics of the horrific song (which she actually loves), Dancing Queen from the movie Mamma Mia.

"Dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen. Oh yeah! YOU CAN DANCE, YOU CAN JIVE, HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! OOH! SEE THAT GIRL, WATCH THAT SCENE, DIGGING THE DANCING QUEEN!" She yelled, making Bee laugh and shake his head, he pulled over to the cliff that overlooked the ocean/water and stopped the car, covering his ears with his hands.

"Sam shh~!" He grinned, she smiled and poked his nose singing even louder so it sounded like she was screaming.

"No." He laughed leaning over and cupping her face gently, she smiled and lowered her voice a little but didn't stop singing.

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life, see that girl, watch that scene digging the dancing queen!"

"You're mean." He pouted, still not letting go of her face.

"You love me." She grinned, letting the song play on, thankful that he didn't turn it off already.

"Yes I do." He blushed, it wasn't the first time he spoke the words, but he still felt the same every time he said them.

Samantha blushed as well and leaned in a little to peck his lips, she then moved a bit of his hair out of his face, and smiled at him. Now it was Bee's turn to pout, "What? That's it? That's all I get for the torture you put me through?"

Sam laughed, "Torture? I don't think I could call that torture." She smiled and wiggled out of his grasp, opening the door and hopping out.

"And if you want these lips," She points to her mouth, "You're gonna have to catch them first."

Bumblebee chuckled and got out quickly, chasing her around and around his alt mode, till he finally caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to himself.

"Say you're sorry."


"Then accept the punishment." He said with a smirk.

"No!" She giggled his lips smashing onto her own.

Samantha smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes to reach him better. Bumblebee grinned and pulled her closer, resting his hands on her hips, his eyes fluttering shut. They kissed for a good long while before pulling away for air. And before they knew what was happening, Sam found herself on the hood of the car in the rain, with Bumblebee hovering over top of her, both of them stuck in a heated make-out session. It wasn't really raining though, more like spitting. But they thought it was romantic.

Afterwards, they just lay across the hood, looking up at the beautiful sky, Sam's head leaning against Bee, their legs tangled together, both hand in hand. Samantha's mind began to drift off. She felt at peace, safe, this here was were she felt her safest, her safe place. Right here, just her and Bee, she's in his arms, protected, loved, and safe. Sadly the moment was ruined when Bee was called by Optimus that the Decepticons were up to no good again and he had to leave.

She sighed and so did Bee, his holoform faded away as she slid off the hood. She watched as he transformed and gave her a sad whirr.

"It's fine, I should be getting home anyways." She mumbled, pulling her sweater closer to her, suddenly feeling a lot colder without the warmth of the hood underneath her, and her partner by her side.

"I know, but I just don't want you to go yet." He said, kneeling down so he was level with her, sort of.

"Likewise." She smiled, "How about if you have the time, you pop by afterwards?"

Bee nodded his head, Optimus's voice coming over the link once again. He sighed and went back into his alt mode, "I'll drive you."

Sam nodded and hopped into the passenger seat, "Be safe, Bee." She said, rubbing the seat. She felt it get hotter in the car, making her grin, she knew he was blushing. And he knew that she knew which made him blush more, and she just laughed softly.

"I will" He spoke, driving rather quickly to her place.

"Promise?" She grinned, looking at the steering wheel, and watching it move on it's own.

He chuckled, "Promise."

Samantha smiled, "I love you, Bee."

"I love you too, Sammy."


Samantha waved from the front door at Bee, watching him leave before she went inside of the house. She looked around, and made her way to her room, once she saw what she looked like, she froze and scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"I can't believe he saw me like this." She mumbled, grabbing a towel from the closet and heading into the bathroom, she took off her clothes and kicked them into the corner of the room, she then took off her bra and hung it up. She ran her hand through her hair and shut the door, but, forgot to lock it.

Sam turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature, to make it perfect. She then hopped in and just stood under the water for a moment, she then got to work by putting product in her hair and washing herself. What she didn't know, what that Bee had gotten the Decepticon and was on his way back here, now. He was supposed to text/call her before hand and so he did, but she couldn't exactly look at her phone, nor did she hear it go off.

Bee went into his holoform and went into her house, he walked around, calling her name and looking for her, when he didn't see her, he saw the door of the bathroom, slightly opened, he thought she must be in there doing her laundry, since her washing and drying machine were in the bathroom. He walked into the room and when he saw that the shower was on, he blushed crimson and was about to leave when he spotted something.

A light purple bra, his eyes wandered to the floor where a matching pare of undies lay. His blush increased, his eyes widening a bit. He just kinda froze.

Samantha heard the door creak open and she froze, she waited for a moment and definitely thought she heard something, she peeked out of the shower, her cheeks instantly turning red.


Bee jumped a bit, eyes wide with shock, he saw her peeking out and quickly whipped around, putting one of his hands over his eyes.

"I"m sorry I didn't know you were showering!"

She turned off the water and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself and walking out.

"Didn't you hear the water running? And the door was locked." She muttered.

"First off, no, I didn't hear it till it was too late, and second, it wasn't, your door was opened, I thought you were doing laundry."

Sam sighed, still as bright as a tomato. "You can turn around now." She muttered, holding the towel just in case it fell.

Bee hesitantly did as told, and sent her an apologetic smile, "I really am sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." She sent him a smile, "Though uh.. I didn't bring any clothes in here.." She smile sheepishly.

"I wasn't expecting you to come here so fast." She muttered.

"Yeah, by the time I got there I wasn't really needed, it was easy to take down the guy, so I came back here as fast as I could." He smirked a little, and bit his lip.

Samantha gave him a look and swatted his shoulder.

"What? What did I do now?"

"You know what you did." She said, pointing a finger at him.

Bee chuckled.

"Anyways, you think you can run to my room and bring me some clothes?" She asked.

"Why can't you get them?" He asked.

"Because it's warm in here and cold out there?" She grinned.

Bee smiled and nodded, "I'll be back, oh and uh, by the way.. you look good in purple." He smirked.

Sam blushed and glared at him. "Just go."

Bee laughed and left, when he came back he had a pair of yellow undies with a matching bra, one of his t-shirts, that she had bought him, so his holoform wasn't wearing the same thing all the time, and a pair of her shorts.

Samantha quirked a brow, "What's with your shirt?" She asked while he turned around so she could change, she did so, and quite quickly, cause she was done before he could respond, let's thank gym class for that one.

"Because you look hot in my clothes." He smirked, bringing her closer to himself.

She rolled her eyes and pecked his lips a few times, "Mmm..." She hummed, "You taste like strawberries."

Bumblebee wiggled his brows, "You used my strawberry lip chap, didn't you!?"


Sam laughed as she shook his head and pecked his nose. "You're a butt face."

Bee laughed, "I'm your butt face, monkey butt."

"Say what you wish." She teased.



"Why yellow?"

"Because you look better in yellow."

[[holy fucking shit was that ever cringy. this story is roughly two (maybe one) years old. i believe i wrote it in 2018...? but i can't remember. it was also originally a reader insert, but it was just sitting on my laptop 'collecting dust' so i thought i would just throw one of my old transformers ocs into the mix and upload it here. and also, when i first made samantha, i made no connection to sam from bayverse. XD it totally slipped my mind, until way after. and then i was like holy shit, there already is a sam in transformers. and then i felt stupid. still do. he's all i could think of while writing this. lmao. anyway, i hope you somewhat enjoyed this! it's not perfectly edited so there will be mistakes. don't be afraid to point them out, it would actually be a big help. thank you so much for reading, and i guess i'll see you in the next imagine/one shot? bye bye!!]]

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