bnha/mha "forced to stargaze" - oc x tomura shigaraki

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Third Person Point Of View.

Her fingers linked with his gingerly, gripping lightly only on a few of them. Even though she liked him, she didn't fancy being turned to ash. Linnea watched the stars flicker in the dark abyss above the both of them. A sigh slipped out of her nose while her head plunked down against his shoulder. She could feel Tomura's red gaze on her, the thought alone made her smile. His thumb brushed against the palm of her hand, rubbing slow calming circles into her skin. She knew he didn't like to be outside much, which generally was the biggest understatement of the year, but she was glad he did it for her. There was a lot of things she'd do for him, he didn't even have to ask. She'd travel to the ends of the earth if he wanted her too. Something she may or may not admit out loud, probably the latter.

"Can we go now?" He practically whined, causing the duel haired girl to chuckle softly. Her green gaze flickered up to meet his own, he didn't look impressed that she had basically laughed at him.

"Soon. I have yet to see a shooting star, there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight." She looked back up at the sky, promising to leave as soon as she saw one. He sighed in annoyance, mumbling that she was a pain and a brat. That only made the girl's smile widen. She cracked a joke about that was how Kurogiri viewed him, he only glared down at her in response.

Tomura adjusted himself, trying to get in a comfier position, the tree he was leaning on wasn't comfortable in the slightest. Before Linnea could even question what he was doing he had pulled her onto his lap, placing her between his legs and wrapping his arms around her tightly. It was as if he was hugging her, almost, without using his hands. Linnea smiled in content, leaning back against him, she could feel his breath against the exposed skin on her neck, noticing he had placed his chin on her shoulder. She enjoyed moments like this with him, where they both could just calm down and relax, she could relieve some stress from him for a while and vise versa. That and it was so rare that something like this occurred. If it weren't for her practically dragging his ass outside every once and a while, Linnea was sure that Tomura wouldn't go out at all on his own free time. He really did need to go out more, locking himself inside for so long surely wasn't good for him or his health.

Linnea reached behind her and ruffled his hair gently, trailing her fingers down his face for a moment in an almost teasing manner. She could see Tomura roll his eyes out of the corner of her own, she felt a laugh crawl up her throat but didn't voice it. She could feel his teeth graze her ear lobe, causing the girl to grin wickedly to herself, she could feel his lips trailed down her neck, lightly nipping down every so often. He pulled her shirt away from her shoulder so he could bite down there, exposing more of her delicious skin. Linnea shuddered from his touch, sucking in a shaky breath as he bit down harder than before. She let out a breathy moan, feeling him smirk against her skin.

"Dammit, you're gonna make me miss the stars." she whimpered, craning her neck off to the side to allow him more access, even though she had technically complained. He snickered at the action, sliding his tongue along the area.

"That's not my problem, now is it?" he breathed, continuing to plant the sloppy yet effective kisses along her exposed skin. Making sure to leave little love bites every so often. He knew she wasn't really complaining, she truly did enjoy the things he'd do to her. She'd never admit it, but it was the truth. He continued his work for a bit longer, biting a little harder every so often than when he first started.

He paused when he heard her gasp, wondering briefly if he had hurt her accidentally, occasionally he would go a bit over board while lost in the moment, though she never seemed to mind. He lifted his lips from her shoulder, peering up at her face. Her eyes were bright and full of wonder, a soft smile was planted onto her lips, she was looking up at the sky. Tomura followed her gaze to see a bunch of shooting stars, all illuminating the sky. Flashing around before disappearing. Although he didn't really care for them, he honestly found them a bit annoying, the look on Linnea's face made him smile, even if it was a small one. He stopped his actions, returning his chin to rest on top of her shoulder as he gazed up at the sky. They watched the stars together for a few more minutes, before Linnea slipped out of his hold and stood up.

Tomura rose his eyebrow's in question, unsure of what she was doing. She dusted her hands off on her butt, probably attempting to get rid of any dirt or leaves. She smiled down at him and offered her hand. Upon noticing the look on his face her smile widened as she chuckled. "I told you we could leave once I saw a shooting star, unless you want to stay out here any longer?" she grinned teasingly.

Tomura huffed and grabbed her hand in a four finger hold, pulling himself up whilst clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Not a chance, I'll call Kurogiri and tell him to pick us up. Are you gonna stay the night?" he slipped his hand into his pocket of his sweater and pulled out his phone, texting Kurogiri their location.

Linnea smiled, rubbing her thumb along his knuckles. "Sure, I'd love to." she hummed, noticing his mood had improved greatly since coming out here, though he still seemed to be annoyed with the fact that she had dragged him out here to begin with.

He only nodded to her response, it wasn't long before the shadowy portal appeared just off to the side from them. Tomura took a step towards it, but was pulled back by a hand on his arm. Linnea had latched onto him and tugged him in her direction. He stumbled a bit and sent her a bit of a pissed off expression. "What are you doing?" he questioned, wanting nothing more than to go home and face plant onto his bed. With her in his arms... Not that he would ever admit it, especially out loud.

"I want to do something before we go." He nearly groaned when she said that, rolling his eyes once again and peering down at her. She snorted as his expression and grabbed onto the hood of his sweater, pulling him towards her somewhat roughly, he was about to scold her but before he got the chance she had pressed her lips against his.

Tomura tensed for a few seconds before relaxing into her hold. He placed four fingers from each hand onto her hips, pulling her against his chest. Her lips were soft and delicate against his chapped ones. The way she made him feel sometimes annoyed her, there really wasn't anyone else out there who could make him feel this way, which was the most frustrating of all. She licked his lip teasingly, he smirked against her lips as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Brushing it up against her own, she seemed delighted by this movement before sliding her own tongue against his. She ran her nimble fingers through his hair, slightly tugging at the roots. He grunted a bit at the action, clearly enjoying it, as he applied more weight into her sides, digging his fingers into her slightly. It wasn't long before they pulled away for air, she bit his lip softly before pulling away. Her fingers brushing against his face for a moment, sliding down to his neck and tracing one of his many scars. Tomura opened his eyes slowly and glanced down at her. Once again his chest squeezed, making him feel almost nauseous.

Linnea's cheeks were a light shade of pink as she gazed up at him, she pecked his lips gently, watching as he shuddered from her touch on his neck. "We can go now," she replied slyly, smirking up at him. His cheeks flushed just a bit, he scoffed and slipped one of his hands into his pocket, the other one gripped lightly onto a few of her fingers. "Let's go before Kurogiri get's anymore annoyed."

She chuckled but didn't say anything else after that. "Sleep or video games?" she asked as they walked through, he walked past Kurogiri ignoring him completely as Linnea sent him a small nod of her head in greeting.

"Sleep, I'm too fucking tired to do anything else." he walked over to his room, kicking the door behind him. She watched as he slipped off his sweater and shirt before plopping down onto his bed, pulling her down with him. She smiled lightly as she snuggled into his chest, he tucked his thumbs into his hands so he wouldn't accidentally activate his quirk on her.

"Tomura?" she asked, yawning briefly before nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

"Hmm?" he hummed, keeping his eyes closed as he slowly pulled her closer to him.

"Thanks, for coming with me. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." she breathed, placing a light kiss to the underside of his jawline.

Tomura's lips lifted up slightly. "Can't wait." he hummed, nuzzling into her gently. She was already passed out, and it wasn't long till he followed after her.

[[that's that, i've been wanting to write a little scenario between these two for a while. i've never actually wrote about tomura before, so i apologise if he's ooc. i tried to make him react in a way i believed he would if he was in this situation. he and linnea have been together for a while already in this scenario. i'd imagine he'd still be a little tense and stuff around her. i don't really know though. let me know what you think, and don't be afraid to give me any constructive criticism or tips. they'd actually be greatly appreciated! thanks and have a good night/day! xo]]

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