tmnt "drunken confession" - oc x michelangelo hamato

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This could be imagined as any version of the turtles. 

Third Person Point Of View.

Their bodies swayed along with the beat of the song, the music danced with the crowed. Sweaty bodies moving together in sync. McKenna felt as though the liquid courage she had downed wasn't working how it was supposed to. But she knew the shots of pink lemonade vodka, the multiple martinis and the rounds of tequila had made her more than tipsy. However, she didn't feel courageous at all. Mikey made her feel completely different than anyone else had. Normally she didn't give two shits about what other people thought about her, and almost every relationship she had were flings. Basically she had no idea what she was doing when it came down to the actual relationship thing. And it was excruciatingly obvious that the way he felt about her was stronger than a crush. McKenna would hate to admit it, but it was also extremely obvious that she felt the same way.

She felt as though she couldn't breathe as they swayed along with the crowed. His hands felt hot against her waist. His skin burned beneath her hands which were wrapped around his neck. Fingers looped into the tails of his mask. His angelic smile never left his flushed face, and their giggles mixed together made sweet melodies when it reached their ears. McKenna couldn't help but grin back, leaning her face closer to his as she laughed at something stupid he had said. Her stomach filled with rampaging butterflies, forcing her to feel more anxious than before.

They were both drunk, and honestly they probably had no idea what exactly was going on. They swung their bodies along with the music, surprisingly still capable of moving with the beat even after the mountains of shots they had. The two of them were currently at a White Lotus party, humans and mutants danced around together without a care in the world.

Mikey's hands gripped gently at her waist, pulling her body flush against his own. Fingers digging lightly into her soft flesh. He leaned his face closer towards hers, breath fanning against her neck and causing a chill to run up her spine despite how hot they actually were. "Hey Mama, why aren't you my girlfriend yet?"

Her heart fluttered at the nickname he had given her, after hearing it was something she liked and had secretly wanted to be called. She had meant to laugh off his question, but instead she said, "I'm scared to get hurt again, and I definitely don't wanna hurt you Mikey Baby!"

He pulled away a bit so he could study her face, pouting with his 'eyebrows' furrowed at her words. "That's super silly! You won't hurt me! And I sure as hell won't hurt you, Angel!" He grinned, pressing his nose against her own.

McKenna's face flushed more than before, "But what if something happens and we break up! I love you Mikey, I don't wanna lose you!" Tears began to pool in her eyes and slide down her heated cheeks. Mikey cupped her face with his large green hands and wiped them away gently. Almost as if he was scared to break her.

"I love you too, Mama! You won't lose me! I promise!" He pressed a kiss against her forehead, smiling down at her as if she was the only girl in the world who could make him feel this way. And he believed it too.

"Okay! Let's be together!" She threw her arms up, nearly falling over if he hadn't of grabbed her last second and pulled her towards him. He laughed with her.

"Yeah!" He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, the two of them giggling with each other happily.

"Think they're gonna remember this?" Raphael asked, leaning against the bar with his other three brothers.

"Not a chance." Leonardo replied, bringing his drink to his lips and taking a sip.

"I give them an hour, maybe less before they both pass out." Donatello added, glancing up from the book he had brought, being the designated driver.

[[bit of an au between these two shit heads. They're definitely at least 18 here and I'm pretty sure they get together when they're a bit younger but I wanted to try something different. I hope you enjoyed this kinda crappy short little imagine I whipped up at around 1am months ago. Idk if I like it or not but here it is! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Stay safe, eat your fruits and veggies, and drink lots of water! Bye! Xox]]

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