5: Hugs From Handsome Men

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Hello guys! We have another Little_Wyvern fanart in their artbook, which you can access in theur profile?  They drew the certain iconic moments in Chapter 3, and you guys should check it out! 

I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!

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『君のことを忘れる猫がない 』

❝ Your existence leaves a purrmanent mark, even in a cat's memory.❞ 

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The old lady's sandwich was the most heavenly food you had tasted ever since you got here. 

Sure, the other morning stall owners' foods were amazing too— their skewered meats were perfectly cooked, and their noodle dishes were always a delight to your tongue (plus, the owners never failed to give you more toppings when they saw your adorable eyes). But no matter how incredible the flavors were, everything always turned cold. 

And that was fine with you, of course! It could be better— you'd prefer a royalty buffet over cold food after all— but having an edible meal is your priority first and foremost as Tenko’s new guardian. For your survival as well, cause when you're running around without a shelter in mind, you can't be choosy on whatever you need to eat for you to regain your energy.

But this time, the food was warm.

You were at the solitary park with Tenko, who sat crossed leg before you. He bit on his sandwich slowly, staring at the grass that swayed from the evening breeze. He licked his lips at the smallest of crumbs, and his hand trembled as he held onto the food, his eyes sparkling a little.  

After days of wandering through the dark city, or maybe weeks for Tenko, the warmth of the sandwich was a comfort to the both of you. Just for this moment, the troubles of having no permanent home seemed to disappear. The only thing you focused on was this food that melted in your tongue, and the burning stare that drilled on your head.

“You're not… Mon-chan, are you?"

You raised your gaze, still in the midst of biting the triangular sandwich.  Tenko was looking at you, slightly leaning forward as he fidgeted with the food in his hands. 

The question was so sudden and so out-of-place that you ended up staring back at him, blinking. Where did that come from? 

Tenko had been silent throughout the entire walk to this park. He glanced at you every now and then, looking away when you stare back at him for some reason. You brushed it off at first, assuming he was excited and happy at his new gloves and the lack of fear in disintegrating things now.

That didn't seem to be the case, since the boy looked deep into his thoughts the more he stared at you.

His brows contorted, as if he was in pain, and his eyes turned hazy. There was a brief change in the air, a sign that he would start hyperventilating again, so you purred to get his attention. 

His gaze slid over to you. What you did worked for him, since all the tension in his face disappeared slowly at just the sight of you purring near him. 

Tenko released a shaky breath and stared at the sandwich. “Mon-chan… is a dog,” he murmured. 

For a split second he looked at you again. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened and closed it again. You could see the way he hesitated on his words, as if he knew that you would listen, as if you can understand his words, so he took his time to phrase it. He took his time to say it outloud.

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