9: Silently Loud Companion

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『気にゃしなくていい! 』

❝ Don't purr-sist in your furr-oucious concern, it'll be fine! ❞

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You can beat Aizawa.

Not to death or anything like that, but in running instead.

Maybe this one is fueled by your ego, but this time, you knew by observation: Aizawa Shota is no runner. And the fact that he's panting far too much after sprinting for only a minute proved your point even further.

"— wait," Aizawa managed to gasp between breaths, his face flushed and struggling for air. "Wait, don't just- don't just run... without any... destination... in mind.."

Poor boy. To think that his lanky form right now, who was struggling to breathe, would one day be fighting one versus a hundred villains inside a stadium dome. That is the kind of improvement that you want to have.

From beside you, Shirakumo slowly halted his running. He looked unbothered and not sweaty at all (unlike Aizawa), and the small boy that held his hand also slowed down, looking between the two with an apprehensive stare (unlike Aizawa, who can't even create any expression aside from pain and the 'lack of oxygen' expression).

"Come on, Shota." Shirakumo grinned. It was slightly amused, thanks to hs brief but ragged breathing after running fast. "You know the destination is your house; you said it yourself!"

" 'Kumo," the other boy deadpanned, "You don't even know where I live."

Shirakumo paused. "Well. Fair point, but—"

"Oh for God's sake, just let me breathe!" Right after he said that, Aizawa fell to his knees. He tugged on his collar, hastily taking the air that he had lost after running away from the police station. Even when you're being held close to Tenko's chest, you could hear Aizawa's heart that seemed so close to imploding.

"You know," Shirakumo turned to him. "If Purple Highness sees you struggling right now, he will start being disappointed."

The teasing tone from the boy was enough for you to know that Aizawa would soon give his infamous glare to him. After all— what's Aizawa Shota if not for his glowing red-eyed glare, and levitating dark hair whenever he got teased even just a little bit?

But what made your jaw drop was Aizawa narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips into a pout instead.

"Purple Highness is already disappointed in me," he grumbled, his lower lip jutting even more.

What the fuck? He had no right to look so pouty and cute right now. His stare wasn't even a glare. He only narrowed his eyes, as if he didn't even have the courage to glare at anyone at this moment. The shock factor of his reputation in your head and his real reaction didn't make it any better— you swore your heart squeezed at him pouting, you swore it did.

"If you just smiled, Shota, I'm sure Purple Highness would be less critical of you!" And many fangirls and fanboys would die at the sight of that too.

"Do you think smiling is my expertise?"

While Aizawa heaved an angry (pouting) breath and Shirakumo poked fun at him, Tenko was looking up at the cloud boy with a confused, yet curious agape mouth. The latter only noticed him when Tenko held his hand tightly.

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