11: Sleep-Deprived Delusion

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After Aizawa waited for Tenko to finish cleaning up, Shirakumo spent the entire time just playing with your paws. You had no idea what the hell he was thinking, but you did slap some sense in him when he tried to carry you and make you fly as if you were Superman. 

You didn't feel bad. Not once, actually, since you swore you heard Aizawa snort when he watched that scene happen in real-time. Imagine making the Aizawa Shota laugh out loud? He's not as grumpy as he was compared to his future self, but it's still an impressive feat. Which Shirakumo just helped you achieve, so you'll forgive him for handling you like a toy.

Tenko looked so much better than before when he came out of the bathroom. He's still too thin and pale, but he's a lot cleaner than what you'd known him. He had new gloves and he changed into Aizawa's cat shirt too. Which is so adorable, actually. You just want to smother him between your paws, and he had the audacity to giggle when Shirakumo exaggeratedly called him handsome?! 

Yeah, this kid is going to be the death of you.

You quietly observed as they helped Tenko. They even cleaned the grime under his nails— courtesy to Aizawa using his Quirk to soothe the boy's worries about disintegrating them.

Soon, Tenko began to lay on Aizawa's floor mattress. The boy can sleep anywhere and everywhere else no matter the 'bed' he's in. So he easily dozed off when he felt the soft cushion under him instead of the beaten up cardboard that you fetched for him once. 

But with Shirakumo and Aizawa, two heroes who 'temporarily' pulled him out of the streets, sitting beside him and indirectly letting him know that it's safe to let down his guard here... it's not a surprise to hear the little boy snore in his sleep. 

With you lying beside him, Shirakumo sitting near you and Aizawa on the couch above the mattress, the two were quiet. 

Shirakumo ran his hand on your fur. His gaze was stuck on Tenko. You don't know what he was thinking, but whatever it was, it's a lot less intense than Aizawa's thoughts.

The dark-haired boy propped his elbow on the arm rest of the sofa. He leaned his chin on his palm, almost as if he was covering his mouth from saying something that's plagued him. 

You would have fallen asleep already at the silence... if only Aizawa didn't say, "Is this really the only way we can help?" 

Both you and Shirakumo peered at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." Aizawa chewed on his lower lip. "I know that we get money on our internship with Purple Highness, and he gives a lot to us too, but what if it's not enough? What if we just made it worse for him by acting so... brash about this. We even have a cat in the mix here. You know raising a cat is expensive enough on its own, Kumo. It's not..."

Aizawa leaned even more on his propped up arm, letting his palms shut him up when he realized he's rambling. 

The only thing that Shirakumo did was listen. He seemed to be thinking to himself too, absent-mindedly patting your fur. "I'll give you some of my money."

"No, you won't," Aizawa said. "I mean you shouldn't. Just keep it to yourself. I just need to know what—"

"Whose idea is this in the first place, Shota?" Shirakumo chuckled. "We know nothing about taking care of a child, but at least I can count on you to take care of the cat."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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