5.13 - Helena

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"You know, we haven't been putting this thing to good enough use," Delta said. "Sure, we've been busy, but body swapping? There's some fun we could have."

"Let's focus on the mission," Zoey said—though she didn't disagree. "What do you plan on saying to them?"

"No clue. Just gonna bullshit my way through."


"And get ready to run if things go poorly," Delta added with amusement. "I give us fifty-fifty odds. We're going in a little blind."

Zoey shook her head in exasperation. It wasn't like she had a better plan, though. They knew far too little about, well, anything related to this cult. Maybe formally joining with the organization would have been a safer path, but that would have taken too much time—and who knew what initiation would have included?

And Delta at least seemed to know what she was doing, in the sense she was comfortable 'bullshitting'. She strode forward with perfect confidence, Zoey accompanying her at her shoulder, and she looked every part the image of Jacquelyn. She even seemed to have adopted her posture and mannerisms. Had Delta been studying the woman in preparation for that?

"Small boob girls have all the luck, don't they?" Delta said suddenly. "These are so much more manageable. I kinda forgot about it since I was last inside Rosalie."

"Inside her? Don't phrase it like that."

Having rejoined the main hall where the soirée was taking place, Delta beelined for one of the black-masked individuals who were full members of the Church. They had picked the person out beforehand; he seemed relatively important by the way he held himself, and they hadn't already pestered him in an attempt to get into contact with the mysterious wayfarer. He shouldn't have a reason to suspect them. Some tactical eavesdropping had also gotten them a name.

His eyes latched to Delta and Zoey—or to his perspective, Jacquelyn and Zoey—well before they arrived. Delta's serious face and quick stride had drawn his attention.

"Issac," Delta said. "We have a situation."

"We do?" He didn't sound perturbed at the announcement, though he did tense slightly. "Who is this?"

"Zara. She's brought me some troubling news."

"Of what sort?"

"The kind best discussed with the higher ups." Delta hesitated, then said, "She's a first advancement wayfarer. She's run into something similar as that artifact of ours."

Surprise registered on Issac's face. "She has?"

"Doesn't want to share the exact details. Not except with anyone but ..." Delta hesitated, as if she'd almost accidentally revealed the mysterious wayfarer's name. She falsely corrected herself, preserving the stranger's identity—though Delta obviously didn't know it. "You know. Our friend who found the original."

Issac considered the two of them.

"Someone should relay the message to her," Delta said. "See if she's interested in meeting."

Zoey wouldn't say Issac looked suspicious, but he did seem dubious. He couldn't know that Delta had stolen Jacquelyn's body, but rather, he probably suspected that Zoey was simply lying. Delta's tone of voice, though, implied that whatever Zoey had told her had been convincing, which lent Zoey credibility.

She didn't know where Jacquelyn stood in this Church, but she had enough influence—or the story wasn't suspicious enough—that Issac only studied them for another few moments before nodding.

"Follow me."

Nervous, Zoey did so. She hadn't even gotten a word in. Delta was doing all the heavy lifting in this encounter, and Zoey was more along for the ride than anything.

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