5.48 - ❤ A Third II

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Lewd noises filled the air as she and Delta quietly took care of Zoey's morning erection. Their tongues lapped around the edges, licking and kissing and teasing their girlfriend's tip. Saliva slicked the shaft, spread around by their efforts, both their hands and lips working away.

Zoey, her face screwed up, was clearly enjoying herself, though she stayed firmly asleep. She shifted around, hips wiggling, moaning softly as her cock was taken care of. Dreaming, undoubtedly. Rosalie wondered about what.

"It's almost impressive," Delta whispered. "I'd say she's faking it, but I don't think she is." A sly look slid onto her lips as she faced Rosalie, which Rosalie didn't trust. "How far do you think we could go? Before she wakes up?"

It was a good question. Rosalie had gotten away with, well, a lot. On more than one occasion she'd gotten her nose firmly pressed into Zoey's pubic bone without the woman stirring to consciousness. Her ability to sleep through anything was genuinely impressive.

Delta came to a decision herself. She pulled away and shuffled up the bed to lean against the headboard. She crossed her arms, the mischievous look concerning Rosalie more by the moment. What did she have planned? Whatever it was, Rosalie didn't trust it.

"Think you could ride her?" Delta asked. "Until she finishes? Could you go that far?"

Rosalie looked down at the cock in her hands. She considered. It was doubtful. Then again, Rosalie really had gotten away with a lot, and Zoey seemed even more firmly asleep than usual.

"Try it," Delta said. "I mean, if you're just 'taking care of your girlfriend's needs', then you should do it right. Work efficiently. Isn't that your whole thing?"

Rosalie eyed the woman. She saw through her machinations. She was trying to goad Rosalie into putting on a show. The perverted woman just wanted to watch Rosalie impale herself on Zoey. The disgusting voyeur.

Except, her body was responding to the suggestion. A heat built in her stomach at the idea of riding Zoey while Delta sat there and watched. The idea, oddly, felt lewder than actually sharing Zoey. Her breathing quickened.

"You have a point," Rosalie conceded. "But I'm not doing it for your sake. I'm not putting on a show."

"Sure. Totally." Grinning, a potion appeared between the foxgirl's fingers, which she waggled at Rosalie. "Don't mind me. I'll be cheering from the sidelines." She downed the potion in a quick motion, then discarded the emptied vial into her inventory.

Rosalie watched as Delta's black panties bulged outward. The fabric, pulled tight, revealed the thick outline of the woman's cock, growing more pronounced by the second. She shivered, trying to act casual as the transformation took place.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rosalie demanded.

"I'm making due. You know, seeing how you get her cock to yourself." She gripped herself through her panties. "Why? This isn't embarrassing you, is it?" She groped herself, playing with the mass crammed into her panties, and Rosalie couldn't tear her eyes away. "You're not lusting after your girlfriend's girlfriend, are you? That'd be obscene, princess. I will tattle on you."

Unbelievable. Rosalie, with effort, tore her eyes away and deliberately put the instigator out of her mind. If the disgusting woman wanted to touch herself while Rosalie took care of her girlfriend, then that was something she would need to tolerate.

Rosalie straddled Zoey's thighs, then appraised the beast in front of her. She pressed it into herself, marveling at how it stuck up nearly between her breasts. Instinctively, she rubbed her lower half into the thick length, letting the heat of Zoey's cock wash through her. It was slippery from her and Delta's liberal coating of saliva. She tingled at the lewd display she was making of herself—because despite her efforts to 'put Delta out of her mind,' she couldn't focus on anything besides how the fox girl was watching her.

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