Roronoa Zoro

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"Icilia what are you doing out of your room at this hour?"

I felt my body froze hearing his voice, chills running up my arms and down my spine as I felt my chest tighten in terror knowing what might come to be from this interaction with him.

"Father." I turn around, my white dress that goes to my knees dirty from the countless nights of sleeping on the floor.

"Where are your guards? Do I need to attach weights to you again?" The man with white hair like mine and metal attached to his jaw.

His cold eyes staring down at mine with hatred.

"N-no father. I'll get to bed right this instant." I whispered in fear his arm that was an ace shined brightly at me almost mocking me.

My father is a marine caption known as Axe-Hand and he has two children with his late wife, Icilia and Helmeppo.

while my older brother was quite spoiled and got what he pleased I was not as fortunate, being the reason why my mother died.

My father turned his hatred to me, and for that I'm not as lucky as my brother.

His hand circled around my forearm and grabbed me he walked fast towards the east side of the base when a few soldiers stopped in front of him.

Sweat ran down their faces and their eyes seemed scared. "The demon caused a fight in a bar, he's here and he wants his berry."

The poor boy looked terrified as he spoke to my father but he knew well enough to not even glance at me.

"Bring him to my office I'll have a chat with him there." My father commanded and the boy ran to do what he was told.

Meanwhile he turned around and walked towards his office.

"I don't not have time to baby sit you. You will be in the office with your brother and you will not speak, you will not utter a word you must not even blink. You will be invisible." As my father opened the door to his office I saw the chain that would connect to my ankle a reminder of how im stuck here.

He let me go as soon as we were infront of it and he only nodded as I started to put it on, my father was obnoxious and all about himself, every picture and every statue here was of him. Quite repulsive but I would never make it sound.

My brother rushed into the room not even acknowledging me as he started to rant about a man with green hair who beat him up at the bar he was at.

His hair just like mine white but mine fell to my waist his to his shoulder, his skin also pale but his was healthy while mine was sickly white with dirt on it.

I stood with the anklet of chains as I waited.

a loud knock was heard as many foot steps fell into the room my brother soon stood beside me but once again I was invisible I just stared ahead knowing my eyes wouldn't connected to anyone's. I was alone.

I started at the man they brought in, his hair the colour of moss that I've read about. His eyes dark and mysterious but what caught my eye was the 3 swords, that seemed very intriguing.

"Roronoa Zoro the demon! Most feared pirate hunter in the East Blue. Hmm. I'd say you live up to your reputation." My father boomed as he smiled at the man.

"If it's all the same, I'll just take my money and go." The man's voice was void of emotion, he almost seemed bored of this. His eyes glance over to my brother then for the first time in awhile someone started at me, the green hair man looked at me.

though his face didn't change you can see in his eyes confusion as he glanced down at the chain binding me here.

"You'll collect your bounty, but the penalty for assaulting a Marine is seven days strung up in the yard. No food or water." My father was smirking at the man who didn't care.

"You can try to arrest me, but your brat'll be the first one I kill." The green my smirked as my brother immediately started to run forward.

"Hey! He can't speak to me that way!" He yelled and pointed and father merely hit him causing my brother sulk and back away.

"I like you. Oh, we should be working for the same team. You'd make a hell of a Marine." The man glanced to me and I merely, just an inch shook my head to tell him no.

"Hmm. Kind of got my own thing going on.
Doesn't leave much time for playing dress-up."

"It's a shame to lose a man of your talents, since you won't be able to collect a bounty at any Marine base" my father threatened.

"once I get the word out. So what's it gonna be? A new career? Or the yard?" My father laughed at him causing him to smirk even more.

"Seven days? I could catch up on my sleep." He said and with that he glanced to me once more as he was roughly pulled away.

I started at the door thinking about the green haired man and how beautiful his brown eyes were.

After being taken to my room which consisted of a tower with no windows I soon felt safe as I'm away from my father, I lay down near the old fireplace as I think about the man with green hair, he was going to be placed outside alone, and maybe I can sneak out for a little bit and see him with that thought I close my eyes and fall into a sleep.

As the night passes and the sun arises I sneak out of my room once again, usually there and guards but lately they've been busy and I got out more.

As I sneaked through the hallway and outside to the blazing hear I saw the man with green hair once more. as I approach him from behind him I thought my steps were silent.

"I know you're back there don't be a cowered." I gasp a little casing his head to turn up as I stood now in front of him.

"You are the demon?" I asked my voice was quiet and nervous but he didn't seem to mind. 

"You're their slave?" He asked his brutality shocking me.

"I'm not a slave." I whispered as he only stared me down.

"what's it like?" I asked softly.

"What?" the man who was tied up only stared at me.

"What's it like being free? Seeing all the stars at night?" I asked looking up at the man, his face changed into shock.

"You've never seen stars before?" He asked as I shook my head no.

"My father he doesn't let me out most of the time." I said softly.

"The stars are beau-" before Zoro could finish his sentence footsteps could be heard approaching. "I have to go I can't get caught they'll kill me. You must tell me about the stars another time mr." And with that I did something that shocked him I went invisible.

as Zoro saw foot steps in the sand leaving he noticed the girls brother walking in-front of him.

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